A Whole New Circus

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||Fenrir pov||

I've only heard stories about The Great Milenko and they were just stories, it turns out. He wasn't a giant disgusting beast covered in blood and large snarling teeth, he was actually kind of.... Attractive? I shook my head I really need a better taste in men, this is why I keep getting hurt.

Still as I walk slightly behind the tall creature, his hands in the front pockets of his purple sweatpants, his sleeveless crop top was slightly tight on his muscular chest. My goodness I thought.

After a little bit of a walk we come to the entrance of a dark, broken down carnival setup, as we walk through the threshold, Milenko's demeanor brightens and he takes his hands out of his pockets. It takes me a moment to take in my surroundings, it's kind of amazing to be honest, it's spooky, I like it. I didn't realize Milenko has stopped and ended up walking into the much larger man.

"Oh! Sorry!" I apologize quickly, he just smiles

"No worries" his voice was deep and soothing and it sent a shiver down my spine

"This place is.... Huge" I say, a little amazed

"Heh, yeah" he responded and starts to walk again beckoning with his tail for me to follow him

We reached a medium dark building and Milenko opened the door, it was a small house like place I walked in behind him and he led me to a decent sized bedroom, a queen size bed in the middle and a black dresser and a desk, the only messy thing in the room was the papers over his desk.

"You can stay with me for a little, at least through the night, I don't want to walking around in the woods" he said pushing his papers into a messy pile "I'll sleep on the couch"

I really didn't think that was Nessicary with how big his bed was, considering we could both lay with plenty of space between us but I wasn't going to argue.

"Ok thank you" I nodded my thanks

||there will be a time skip between  this chapter and the next||

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