Rainbow Fam

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||Fenrir P.O.V||

I don't think I've ever slept so well. Sleeping on top of Milenko like that, his soft chest against mine as his arms and tail wrapped around me. I haven't ever felt as safe as I do with Milenko either, the way he didn't even have to show his true form to scare off that guy was honestly so hot. He let me borrow a shirt, it's one of his half shirts but it's oversized on me, the props of him being twice my size I suppose.

I was walking around the carnival, everything is so big here. Including the people. I guess they're not from this realm but it's still incredibly intimidating. I walk into a gym like area and see two other clowns, a girl and a boy, the male is in a really impressive but uncomfortable looking pose that had me do a double take.

"Hey Milenk- O... Your not Milenko..." the girl turned to me, and I realized her stomach was see through "my apologies, Melinko never has anyone else in clothes and you smell like him" the girl giggled

"Uh... Yeah... Sorry, I'm Fenrir" I said nervously

"What on earth are you sorry about?" The boy chimed in, popping up, his voice surprised me, it was oddly feminine, he walked over to his bag and pulled out some vile and drank it almost like a shot "do you think Milenko could make this a better flavor?" His voice changed and became more masculine

"Wait... Fenrir..?" The girl's ear flicked "oh your the one Milenko won't stop taking about" she grinned and the boy snapped around "I'm Anne, Milenko's sister, and that's Klutz, our brother" Anne said enthusiastically, wait, Milenko talked about me..?

"Uh... Hi... Sorry, Milenko never mentioned you... He never did say much when we hung out, he always seemed kinda distracted... No, one time he did mention Klutz, didn't mention you're siblings though" I chuckled softly

"Yeah, that seems about right... What he say about me..?" Klutz asked

"Oh we were texting and he said something about having to help Marbas or someone hold you down so they could put a cone on you" I shrugged and klutz looked slightly defeated, his ears drooping before he popped up again with a shrug and went to go back to doing whatever he was doing before I came in

"So, I hope this doesn't sound rude, but, what are you doing here?" Anne asked, looking me up and down before her eyes widened and I looked down to see she probably noticed the hickeys that Milenko gave me "never mind... I have a pretty good idea" she chuckled

I chuckled nervous and turned to go leave "well, I should get back... Milenko is probably wondering where I am, j think he's up now" I said, Anne waved and went back to doing whatever, I'm pretty sure she was dead lifting something

||yayyy, also, another reason why Milenko's redesign is so different is because he looked REALLY similar to Klutz||

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