Part 1 Teleported to the reaction room

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Felix : your majesty when do you think he will be awake again?

Claude : Felix no need for formalities when its just us please call me father or dad if its just us

Felix : Yes dad...but I miss mom I really do..

Claude : I know Felix but we just have to wait come here I know you want to cry..

Felix went over to his dad and knelt down laying his head on his lap as he sobbed missing his mother Claude patted and stroked Felix hair to calm him down

Athanasia : Lily~ I haven't seen daddy and Felix where are they?

Lily : I don't know princess maybe doing important matters

Athanasia : Mhm okay I'm just curious but Lily doesn't it seem like Felix eyes been looking tired and haggard same with daddy's

Lily : Well I have noticed it to princess but it must have been lack of sleep

Athanasia : Yeah your right!

? : Maybe it's time to teleport them~ it's been nice watching kehehe.

Suddenly a room appears with couches and a TV

Lily, Athanasia, Claude, Felix, Diana got teleported

Claude was pissed Athy was scared and Lily was protecting Athy Felix was high in alert the others were confused

Claude : Where are we?.

Suddenly a voice speak

? : Hello there my lovelies!~ you must be wondering who I am and why your here well you can call me Kirs~ and for why your here is your going to react to a special someone to the emperor ehehe~ please sit down and enjoy oh and have a nice talk while catching up with eachother bah bye~

The voice disappeared suddenly Athanasia started crying

Athanasia : M-mom?!?

Diana : My baby..Lily..Claude..

Claude : Diana.. 'She still has the same smile as him...'

Lily : Lady diana!!

Diana, Lily and Athanasia were hugging each other while Claude just stood there he didn't really love diana but only took her in since she reminded him of him it was a happy moment but Felix and Claude didn't feel happy they miss him not her

Diana : Claude..I miss you..

Claude : Mhm.

Diana : ' the love potion not working anymore?!! This is bad..but my daughter is the crown princess right?..i saw it..shes the only daughter so she must be the next ruler..'

Kirs : Okey~ no more chitchat! i need to entertain my dear readers please sit wherever you like! The special person of the emperor will soon be on screen~

Diana sat next to Claude but he stood up and moved to sit next to Felix she was mad but hid it in a smile she thought she was the special person that will be on screen Claude tapped Felix lightly showing Felix that he would never replace him and Felix nodded lightly then the TV started to show a room a beautiful room decorated with gold, diamonds and jewels Claude could be seen entering the room and there it was a beautiful woman(man) could be seen sleeping peacefully in the bed as Claude sat on the bed he took the womans hand and kisses it passionately

Claude : "oh my love..when will you wake up? and him are waiting desperately for you..choi han the waiting for you to be awake again I found a dancer who had the exact smile as yours..I took her in..she got pregnant do you resent me for it my love..?..if you do im sorry..but I would never replace you..not in a thousand not in a million years I would...please come back to me.."

My lovely readers i hope you enjoy it i am still thinking on this i am proud of it now bye bye enjoy the cliff hanger~

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