Part 2 The important woman to the emperor

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Everyone was in disbelief watching the emperor crying and pleading to the sleeping woman suddenly another figure entered the room it was Felix he went near and went down on his knees and rubbing the woman's hand on his head seemingly grieving besides Claude who was crying and pleading then it was cut

Kirs : Soo~ how was that? Ehehe

The voice said everyone couldn't say anything but Diana she was angered on who this woman was extremely mad she who had to win the emperor's heart by making him a drink that was a love poiton was nothing her plan was ruined


Claude : Why would you show them this.

Athanasia : Daddy who was that lady?

Lily and Diana : I want to know to

Claude : She's no don't need to worry

Athanasia : But daddy you were crying and pleading is she someone of importance?

Diana : I would like to know to Claude.

Suddenly another scene appeared it was Claude and the woman in the garden of the emperor they we're having tea time Claude eyes was full of love and happiness as the woman talked and smiled it was a bubbly scene like a happy married couple enjoying  time alone but then a young boy with red hair came running to them and hit the emperor's leg the emperor chuckled and picked him up and placed him on his lap

Claude : "Hello there are you here to cause me and your mother trouble again? Ahaah"

Cale : "Alberu place him down he seems like hes about to cry come to mama darling"

Claude placed the boy down and ran to his mother looking like he was bullied by his father

A/n : aigoo poor baby

Little Felix : "Papa keeps stealing mama from me!! Its not fair I want to play with mama so unfair!"

Cale : "Aigoo~ you cheeky child you can always ask mama to play with you but your to stuck in your little pride and your father is not stealing me okay?"

Little Felix : "Okay mama..sorry papa..Felix wants to go on papas lap now!"

Both parents laughed at their childs cheekiness as he went to his father and stole the macarons it was a sweet memory a lovely one then it cut

Athanasia : Felix was that you?!?

Everyone was speechless if Felix is Claude's child and hes the eldest wont that make him crown prince Diana was pissed extremely pissed she didn't know any of this and for that knight to actually be child's child that must mean hes a illegitimate child and not worthy of the thrown

Diana : Is he a illegitimate child is this why he was never mentioned as a prince? 'so he must be one theres no way.'

Claude : Wipe that smug look of your first thinking you can hide it behind a smile and no Felix is not a illegitimate child he was born from a noble mother.. unlike Athanasia your daughter is the one with commoners blood.

Cluade was mad at her claiming his precious son is of common blood Felix was well enough to be crowned prince but he still didn't take the offer

Kirs : ooh~ thats some drama! Anyways since you found out Felix Felix de alger oblia is a prince lets change his attire!

The voice said suddenly he room went dark and went on again Felix was wearing Oblia prince clothing making his look extremely hot Claude was happy to see his son in royal clothes while Felix was embarrassed but as Diana was about to talk a lady appeared in the room and........................

Yall really thought imma give you sum that doesnt have cliffhangers same on you 😔

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