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After the tour from the captain(gepard) they decided to separate ways

"hey tsuki.."
Kean finally spoke after being silent one the whole time.

"what is it?"

"have you notice something off about that captain?"
Kean muttered remembering the unease feeling he felt around that guy

"no why?"
Tsuki raise an eyebrows at her nephew confuse yet curious

"well i notice he seems to be
Looking at you to much.. Y'know in a creepy way"

Tsuki started to doubt little but quickly shruggs it off thinking his just joking around.

"anyways lets just wait for the others at the hotel."

Kean nodded as he quickly followed tsuki

Don't worry tsuki already know what hotel would it be

Tsuki was sitting on a sofa at lobby of the Goethe hotel with keann who head rested at her shoulder, sleeping peacefully even dared to drool at her shoulder lucky she is wearing a jacket ahem

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Tsuki was sitting on a sofa at lobby of the Goethe hotel with keann who head rested at her shoulder, sleeping peacefully even dared to drool at her shoulder lucky she is wearing a jacket ahem.(poor danheng)
As they waited for the traiblazers to come

"wow. What a beautiful lobby! It's gonna be soft mattresses and cushiony pillows tonight!"

Until spotted a group of three with different outfit that doesn't match the civilian of belobog on the middle of the lobby, tsuki sigh in relief as she shooks keann awake, kean wakes up still in sleepy state he is in but who cares anyways as she druggs the unhappy and sleepy keann towards the group.

"hey guys!"
She wave at them finally getting their attention,
March quickly rush towards tsuki hugging her very hard as if they been away for years"tsuki where have you been!! I was so worried about you!!" march said in concern still clinging to tsuki

☘︎𝔸𝕤𝕥𝕣𝕒𝕝 𝔼𝕩𝕡𝕣𝕖𝕤𝕤✈︎Where stories live. Discover now