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Casandra is not like other angels, and her penultimate wish is that she was. Her ultimate wish, however, is that for her to be a perfectly good angel the way she was now. But there's a word for angels who fall short—

Devil (which is a reductive and quite offensive word, actually) Solomon Maria bears her family's future as one bears manacles, and she tugs at the chains.

By happenstance they find themselves in a domestic simulacrum—roommates at university—as around them, the universe contorts to destroy the world they knew.

And on that grave, flowers will bloom.


publishing so it exists. this book i imagine will be shorter than the others. expect it in a few months, but i wont start publishing chapters until at least V&V is done.

the tags will give you a sense of the vibe of this book


Chapter 1 published on January 15, 2024

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