Part 7: Brainstorming is Hard...

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Lily meets with the Heist Gang (Jianhao, Vincent, Diana, Kevin, Sunny, Nicole)  near the school's basketball court. She brings Madeline with her to keep herself safe.

Lily: Hey, you told me to meet you guys here?

JH: Lily! Thank you for coming someone?

Madeline: Oh, hey Jianhao! Hi guys!

Vincent: Maddy?! Who invited you here?

Lily: I did, wait...Maddy you know these people?

Madeline: They're in my class...

Vincent: *about to go fully stressed ex-boyfriend on Madeline*

JH: Dude, relax, relax. We can use her as some good bait.

Maddy hears what Jianhao says, and is hurt that she's going to just be bait again.

Diana: Can we just get this show on the road now?

Nicole: Yeah, do you have a plan or something?

JH: *smacks a piece of paper on the bleachers* There!

Nicole: Okay let's see here...

Sunny: Climb Everest...See the Burj Kalifa...?


JH: No, Walater doesn't have any buckets!

Everyone, except Lily: *Facepalm*

Kevin: Look, we can't let this plan be foiled like last time. This time, we have more people. We just need a find a way to sneak into the building, find Denise, and try to find a way to snap her out of it. 

JH: Kevin, we're not smart people with nice suits and ties, so, this is gonna be complicated.

Lily: Well...we could-

Everyone: *Looks at Lily*

Lily: Oh-Never Mind then...

Diana: Are you just gonna chicken out? This is serious.

Lily: ...

Diana: Oh, sorry, just...go ahead.

Lily: We're gonna bring a ladder, or any other sort of climbing tool, then we'll sneak behind the school, find the window in which Mr. Alan's office is in. Then, we'll climb in, find any evidence that could remind Denise of her past, we'll find her, use a frying pan to knock her out...

JH: Woah, Woah, Woah...Knock her out?!

Lily: Do you want your girlfriend back or not?!

JH: ...

Lily: bad...anyways...Once we've knocked her out, I'll put her in a music case, we'll head to Jianhao and Nicole's house-

Nicole: When was our house the option?!

Sunny: Jianhao's house...that would be awesome...

JH: Pardon?!

Sunny: !!!

Lily: Um...actually...maybe we should just drop her off at her own! How about we just sneak her into a closet in the organization and THEN do what we gotta do?

Vincent: I didn't hear a word you said.

JH: Okay, that sounds like a plan...

Diana: But what if Mr. Alan's in his office?

Lily: That's why we're going to head inside before

8:00, because Mr. Alan heads to his office at that time, and stays until 11:00.

JH: How do you know all of this?

Lily: Uh...a podcast...

JH: What "Podcast?"

Lily: Pure Evil Companies.unsolved (NOT A REAL PODCAST)

Diana: Forget that, we have a plan, so when should we meet up?

JH: Sometime at 6.

Nicole: Can we go home now?

JH: Yep. Everybody split. See you tonight.


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