Wait what!

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"Wake up Birdy" mom shouted as she ran down the stairs ,"we need to drop you before we go to work".Mom I yelled in my sleepy voice I can walk their it's like 20 minutes it's no big deal . "Okay honey but please don't be late  " Mom yelled back and I went back to my sheets. Ohh my God I quickly got out of bed when I saw my watch was reading 8:30 I was supposed to reach The Marie Guadella volunteer place  by and now i had like 10  minutes to get ready and the rest to run.I quickly took a bath  and brushed my teeth . I quickly choose to wear my denim grey pant and a hoodie of which I wore a small tank top inside  and my green dunks. I was done in 11 minutes I picked a bottle of water in the fridge since I had no time to stop for breakfast.

when I reached out  I instantly regretted wearing my hoodie and I wouldn't remove it I was wearing a short tank top .I knew I had to run, I almost forgot I had my phone and new airpods I wore my earpods and sprinted swiftly till I felt awkwardly tired and dizzy. I think I was getting near the sign that said Marie Guadella youth volunteers,that was when   a strange warmth  spread across my skin, accompanied by a subtle,of  sweat that formed on my forehead.I started to feel like I was fading and falling to a very far place that I never seemed to reach.And then I felt so light that even the wind could have swept me and thud! I  fell.I could hear a bunch of people calling my name but how did they know and I remembered I was wearing a budge with my name on it.

I tried to open my eyes but it just felt so hard ,"bring some water someone with a masculine voice  I didn't recognize yelled at the someone.I felt a blob of water flush across my face and someone rubbed my face tenderly with his huge hands.wtfk was this." You fine Birdy whatever" the boy close to my face said as I opened my face ,I knew this boy from somewhere but where I wasn't thinking straight.Oh yes I chuckled and tried to get up but I  felt so weak but I still got myself to sit upright.Oh my God I recognized this person he was Aaron from the USA basketball team.why in hell was here I didn't try to look further I just received the bottle of water he handed me.And thought of a way I was going to get up and leave from this place before.

I gathered my strength to stand and Aaron offered his hand this was so scary and surprising at the same time how the hell was he here ?.Thank you I tried my best to control my movement I smiled and walked pass through him .that's when i realised he wasn't the only one there It was like the whole team team was here standing and just staring at me."Girl you are bleeding" one of them said in an astonished voice he was probably Lucas. A trail of fear run through my spine but it was two days after my periods so it was no way it was the period then suddenly I remember falling with my arm on the front. I reach to touch my arm and it's hurting so bad I dare not to look  cause the sight of blood makes me feel anxious.

It's fine I will fix it later and thank you so much for helping me out am really grateful I was still amazed it still felt like a dream.I wished I could reach out for my diary and request an autograph from each one but I never saw Christian and that's because maybe I was to afraid to look at them.i carried myself inside and everyone was already there receiving instruction I quickly slipped into the nearest sit behind the rest of the volunteers . My arm was hurting like a bitch I realised that as soon as I got time to pull my hoodie over and see , blood was already oozing from the wound i just got ,I tried my best to ignore everything and follow what was being taught but my arm was burning now i wished I was out of this place.

A lot was going on through my head I was almost crying the sensation was getting crazy.Just then i realized I wasn't feeling my earpods where tfk were they?.I was ruined on my first day of owning them ,I was still in that dilemma when I realize some people were getting in seats behind me ,someone slid in the sit beside me and when I managed to cast an eye at the person I froze.Christian was sitting write next to me electricity run through my body ,he looked so huge and tall but i swear this was a dream , I felt sweat fill my hands and my hands were sweaty . I rubbed my hands together  and pulled a tissue from my bag and started drying my hands.

"Hi,are you fine ",Christian asks in the most masculine sweet voice I've never heard .Yeah I am good I tried not to breathe fast cause  my heart was racing really fast.I would stop stealing a glance at him was this a dream . Suddenly I had a thud of clappings and I saw him standing out with the rest of the team members . I sighed and breathed out to catch a relief ,this was one hell of the day.Maria Guadella finally announced the team was going to work with us in a period of two months and we would be divided into groups for effective management.

I prayed I would be in his group  I brought out my diary and tore the smallest piece of paper and I wrote in french "J'espère pouvoir rejoindre son groupe."(I hope I can join his group).This was my way of manifesting I always wrote a paper in a mysterious language and I would hold in my hands for a couple of hours  and it always seemed to work.After I signed with my name on it and held it in my hands as I usually did.everyone was clapping when they returned to their seats and now I got a chance to take a good glance at him oh my God this had to be a dream.I ignored him  him and pretended not to see him coming back to where he was seated.

The next session was introducing ourselves  they would pass the microphone and you would say your full names and your age and why you chose to volunteer with them. I was lost in my thoughts when the microphone finally reached me ,I stood up and I  jerked  when I used my right hand to hold it and Christian gave me a sharp glare.I chose to hold the microphone with my left hand uh Hi I managed to give a weak smile my name is Bird I'm 19 and my parents signed me up for this one .Everyone gave a faint laugh and I sat with the microphone still in my hands I was trembling.

"Wait, your real name is Bird?" Christian's question surprised me. He turned towards me, and I could clearly see his strong, masculine figure. It felt like a heavenly moment, and I couldn't even catch my breath—I just kept staring. I couldn't remember the question he had asked. But I guess most people would react that way when they saw him.uhm what I asked trying to seem so normal and cool ignoring my heart that was beating so fast . "Is you real name Bird or you just made it up" Christian stared at me questioningly and then he stretched his arm above my chair and touched my  right arm I could fit in his whole one arm.I jerked when he touched my bruised arm,Ouch I yelped .

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2023 ⏰

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