Chapter 1 : So, What's new?

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Welcome! To the New Book! The continuation from Dragon Ball Z X MaleReader (Redone), This is Super Dragon Ball X Male Reader.

This book will cover the events of the Buu saga and all of super... Yep, it's time for a new beginning. ALSO, I think this is the most important part, the structure of the Buu saga will be similar to the version Totally Not Mark made on his YouTube channel, I feel like it's more new, connected and exciting

I was planning on starting everything with a chapter that explained what happened in the last 7 years, because in book cannon, things happened in the 7 year timeskip, though I decided not to do that, and leave everything up in the air, with some clues of course. Anyway lets begin!

Y/n and Hope circle one another, while their eyes are locked on one another tightly.

Y/n: You ready on your side there Hope?

Hope: Why are you even asking? You already know that I'm always ready.

Y/n: Don't act so confident, things could easily go my way, you're forgotting I'm older.

Hope: And you're forgotting I got a two year head start on my training.

Hope charges forward with a series of quick punches and kicks, displaying her natural agility. Y/n skillfully evades her attacks, using his experience to counter with precise strikes.

As the battle continues, Y/n takes a defensive stance. With a swift burst of power, Hope lunges forward, her movements now unhinged and filled with raw energy. Y/n skillfully dodges her initial attack, his body flowing with grace as he evades her strikes.

Y/n counters with a calculated attack, using his speed to his advantage. He launches a series of quick and precise strikes towards Hope, aiming to test her reflexes and stamina. Hope, fueled by her desire to win, swiftly blocks and counters Y/n's attacks, her strength evident in each blow.

The battle unfolds with intense speed and strategic maneuvers. Y/n's movements are fluid and precise, blending offense and defense effortlessly. He moves in close, attempting to disable Hope's aggression by redirecting her energy. Their energy clashes, creating a dazzling display of power, punctuated by the explosive sound of their strikes.

Y/n: Not bad, you're getting stronger, but you've still got someway to go until you can par up with my power kiddo.

Hope: As far as I know I've already surpassed your power, training with King Vegeta for two years brought my power up by an immense amount.

Y/n: You know Hope, I'm starting to feel, you like best buddy way more than you like me.

Hope: But it's true though, I do admire him more than I do you.

Y/n: Wow. That was kinda harsh, jeez, I guess in those two years you spent with him, you picked up some of his manners.

Hope: I think to believe that the King is well mannered.

Y/n: If that's why you want to believe, then okay. Anyway, I'm gonna go get our mail, at the post office, you can rest up.

Y/n turned to fly off.

Hope: Nah, I think I'll continue training.

Y/n: ...Hope, you should really allow your body to rest up, you shouldn't constantly push yourself like this...

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