Be Your Star

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It was back then.......back when.....a person with a mask walks into the meeting room. Eichi seems to be slightly more excited than usual as he saw the man. We were all informed about a collaboration between fine and that man.

"We hope for the best."

That was what Eichi said as he signs the contract. He hoped for the best for both sides. But.......was that what he meant? Even Mr. Butler and the little princess felt unease when they heard that.

"Rise of multiple Anti-ES organizations."

As ES continues to rise. Even beyond the border of Japan. Many people begin to see it as an eyesore. And the legendary ES finally somehow got cornered, with no allies, and no coherent support from people. It was a one-against-ten match.

But then a man came.

"I hope that we can be honest with each other~"

"WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR SPEED!?" The other Mao screams out with a grin on his face. "Some nerds at a Cafe are even better than this!"

Astesia doesn't give him any answer. But his speed is indeed too overwhelming for her. Her attacks barely hit while she barely dodges the attack. The wound on her back is still bleeding.

"Struggling hard aren't you?!"

The thurst almost hit her if she didn't block it. But by blocking that attack, she was forced into a vulnerable position. The other Mao quickly uses the opportunity and flings her weapon away, then knocks her to the ground.

"Ahaha....... How was the feeling of getting abandoned?"

Astesia just glares at him without giving any reply. The other Mao slowly gets annoyed by her gaze. He puts back up the fedora before calling out another blade.

"Remember this. The person who gave you the warmth is also the person who ended you."


Both the other Mao and Astesia turn their head over to the tuning fork. The glowing that was floating a while ago is now lying comfortably in someone's hands. The noise also begins to fade away.


"MAO?! W-what are you doing here?!" Astesia looks at the man holding the fork. "I-I thought....."

"You better put that back!" The other Mao screams at him.

Using Mao as a distraction Astesia quickly wraps her arms around his neck from behind, restraining him.

"Smash it, Mao!"

The other Mao quickly tries to break free from her restrain. He pushes Astesia against the wall a few times before she finally loosens her arms. But it was too late.

One hit, then another one. The tips of the fork begin to crack as Mao smashes it to the ground. The echoing sound disappears while the sound of glass getting smacked slowly takes its place.


In the last attempt to hold him back, Astesia grabs his leg with both of her hands. Despite the other Mao kicks, she still refused to let go. Just like Mao refused to leave her alone.

"Don't mess with us, outsider!" He pulls his leg away and then rushes to Mao. "If I could just kill you......"

He grabs Mao by the neck and presses him to the ground. After gasping for breath, the other Mao reaches over to the fork in Mao's hand. But then, Astesia once again pulls him from behind.

"Do it Mao!"

Without holding back Mao raises the fork and smashes it down to the ground. The three of them watch as the purple crystal shatters into pieces. The city once again falls back into silence with just the sirens of police cars.

"I'll kill you..... Outsider......." The other Mao mutters while glaring at Astesia with his soulless eyes. "I deserve a second chance..... I do..... I....."

He grabs the neck of the defenseless Astesia and strangles her. The mark on his face expands throughout his face until not even Mao or Astesia recognizes it anymore. The other Mao keeps on strangling Astesia until.......

"This is the end of your story." Mao stabs him in the heart with Astesia's rapier. "From now on. Entrust this future to me. No matter what may come......."

He slowly pulls out the rapier without a flinch. Instead of a scared or panicked expression, Mao looks at the other him with a calm smile. The other Mao also lets go of Astesia's neck as he begins to crumble away.

" come.....?" The other him laughs while his tears flow down. "You're just a replacement....... You will never be me........"

"But you're not even Isara Mao anymore....." Mao said while kneeling down before the other him. "Subaru.....Makoto.....Hokuto....... They wouldn't even know who you are......."

".........Was everything so light before.....?" The other him said while half of his face has already disappeared. "My heart always aching.......but I guess not right now......."

Everything slowly gets blurry for Mao as he loses his balance and falls to the ground. The last thing he saw before entering the pitch-black void is the other him letting out a relieved smile. After that is just Astesia's voice calling out to him. Then finally nothing left.

The Astrologer and Her Star/The Ghost of You, The One From The PastWhere stories live. Discover now