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The air is filled with the pulsating rhythm of music, its beats reverberating through the room and setting a vibrant atmosphere

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The air is filled with the pulsating rhythm of music, its beats reverberating through the room and setting a vibrant atmosphere. As if summoned by the energetic melody, Harry materializes around the corner, an unapologetic grin adorning his face. Completely devoid of clothing, he holds his buzzing toothbrush with an air of casual nonchalance, the bristles creating a gentle hum in the air. His audacious display is further enhanced as his dick slaps against his thigh with each purposeful step.

A cascade of damp, glistening curls frames his face, each strand carrying a droplet of water that seems to catch the light and refract it into a spectrum of colors. With an impish glint in his eye, he surges forward, a twinkle-toed leap carrying him toward the unsuspecting Zayn, who's engrossed in the task of counting a stack of money.

With the grace of a whirlwind, Harry cups Zayn's face in his hands, a spontaneous burst of affection leading to a wet, dripping kiss planted playfully upon Zayn's cheek.

"Buongiorno testa di cazzo," he chimes, his voice a melodic blend of mischief and familiarity that dances through the air.

Zayn's response is a mixture of exasperation and endearment, his annoyance melting into a fond smile that tugs at the corners of his lips. "Sei assolutamente disgustoso," he retorts, his words laced with affectionate reprimand as he halfheartedly shoves Harry's head away, though his resistance seems half-hearted at best.

Undeterred, Harry launches into an impromptu dance, his toothbrush wielded like a microphone as he belts out the lyrics with unabashed enthusiasm. His movements exude a carefree energy, each step an expression of unadulterated joy that seems to reverberate in harmony with life.

His choreography concludes at the bathroom, where he engages in a battle of wills with his toothbrush. With a force that might rival a construction worker wielding a jackhammer, he maneuvers the bristles over his teeth, a determined glint in his eye as he seems intent on vanquishing every last vestige of plaque.

Harry turns his attention to his reflection, splashing refreshing water onto his face. The droplets cascade down his features, leaving a trail of revitalization in their wake. A towel, perhaps one of Zayn's, is put into service to pat his skin dry, the fabric absorbing the moisture with a soft touch.

Organic oil, carefully dabbed onto his temples, exudes a soothing aroma that intermingles with the lively scent of the room, creating a harmonious symphony for the senses. Harry's gaze locks onto his reflection in the mirror, and a contemplative smile graces his lips. Today, his hair seems to possess an almost ethereal quality, each strand falling into place with a graceful finesse that hints at a hint of magic. His fingers, like curious explorers, ruffle through the curls with a sense of nostalgia.

A pang of wistfulness momentarily tugs at his heartstrings, a reminder of the lengths he had once gone to adorn his appearance with long, flowing locks. The shears had claimed victory over his cherished curls, leaving him with a more streamlined look. Nevertheless, his spirits remain buoyant, a testament to his ability to find joy even in the face of a haircut-induced loss.

"Harry! Sbrigatevi!" Zayn shouts. His loud voice, rough from smoking, resounds through the emptiness of the apartment.

Harry's approach to life is similar to a leisurely stroll through a tranquil garden, his steps deliberate and measured. He clings to the notion that inner peace is the ultimate destination, a philosophy he stumbled upon, a proverbial pearl of wisdom he run across on the most inspiring site; PornHub. The potency of inspiring sayings, he believes, holds the key to unlocking a world of tranquility, and he holds this newfound wisdom close to his heart.

Gazing into the mirror once more, he adopts an air of contemplation, tilting his head to one side as if seeking an elusive truth within his own reflection. A lavish bottle of overpriced women's perfume lies within arm's reach, and Harry grasps it with a nonchalant grace, allowing a cascade of its fragrant contents to envelop his senses. The liquid gold splashes onto his neck with an extravagance that seems almost decadent – one, two, and three squirts are dispensed with an almost ritualistic precision.

The transformation is visible in the mirror's gaze – a satisfied, deeply relaxed smile tugs at the corners of his lips, infusing his features with an undeniable aura of contentment. He steps away from the mirror, his sense of purpose fulfilled, and embarks on a meandering journey through the scattered assortment of unopened boxes that populate the living space.

In his room, a poignant sense of minimalism reigns supreme. What remains is a stark yet oddly comforting scene – a mattress laid bare, an island of comfort amidst the sea of change. The suitcase, loyal companion to his transient existence, stands guard in a corner, holding within it a modest selection of attire that mirrors his pared-down surroundings. He sifts through the contents, his fingers deftly navigating the terrain of his belongings until they alight upon a pair of pristine white Calvin Klein undergarments.

The ritual continues, Harry sliding into a pair of dark, wide-legged pants that hang languidly low on his hips, because he likes to show off his well trained body. A dark yellow shirt is selected from his limited wardrobe, its hue a subtle echo of the sun's warm embrace. As he steps out of his room, a sense of quiet determination courses through his veins, an unspoken promise to make the most of the day ahead.

"Ti taglio l'uccello se non porti il tuo culo qui nei prossimi cinque secondi," Zayn's voice slices through the air, simultaneously threatening and playful. Harry's eyes roll heavenward in a display of exaggerated exasperation, a response honed through countless interactions.

Though his reaction carries an air of theatricality, he doesn't waste a moment, his lanky frame propelled into motion by Zayn's assertive directive. It's a familiar dance, a choreography of affection and obligation that makes them to be perfect for each other as friends.

Harry's affection for Zayn runs deep, a wellspring of understanding that encompasses even the nuances of Zayn's morning disposition. A suspicion lingers in Harry's mind, one that suggests Zayn's habitual morning tension might be an unspoken result of his nonexistent ssx life. The thought has prompted Harry to extend numerous invitations to the world of hot yoga, a sanctuary of serenity he believes could alleviate Zayn's persistent unease. Yet, each invitation has been met with refusal, leaving Harry to entertain the notion that Zayn's reluctance to participate is, in essence, his own doing – a self-imposed sentence to the shackles of morning rigidity. Short; he wants to bath in the misery of his own hand.

"Imbecile, we need much more than we have. What we've got ain't nearly enough. You're heading back out tonight, no ifs, ands, or buts. Si aspetta il denaro domani sera."

Harry's gaze locks onto Zayn's, determination flickering in his eyes like a hidden ember. As he bends over to tie his shoelaces, a mischievous glint dances in the depths of his irises. His fingers dance nimbly, creating adorable bows that seem to mirror his unyielding resolve.

With an affirmative bob of his head, Harry signals his understanding. The gravity of the situation isn't lost on him; he's well aware that this is no time for slip-ups or half-hearted efforts. This is the real deal, a game of high stakes that demands his full attention and unwavering commitment.

"I'll do better this time. I promise. Quel bastardo la pagherá."

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