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The snow is falling, bells are ringing and holly jolly Christmas spirits are officially climaxing, putting London into its most glamorous state

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The snow is falling, bells are ringing and holly jolly Christmas spirits are officially climaxing, putting London into its most glamorous state. The windows are adorned by ice crystal, shaped as stars. Louis stretches his body into the soft mattress. The thick blanket covers him, Cliff is snoring pressed to his chest.  He can feel Christmas coming. Only four more nights. His life couldn't be any better. His yesterday-depression has officially vanished because Harry is sleeping in his bed. His face is smashed into his pillow. He's drooling a little. Louis glances over him at the clock. 8 a.m. He watches over Harry, mesmerized by the curve of his body, his strong arms and the softness in his features. Louis reaches under his pillow and drops a mint gum drop under his tongue. He sucks it into his left cheek. Not that he's ever going to kiss Harry's soft, flished, lips. Or his bare chest, down to his navel, his hipbones. Not that he'd dream of pressing his lips to Harry's strong thighs until it leaves marks.

Jesus, he needs jesus.

Louis admires (stares at) Harry's sleeping beauty face for a couple more minutes before he decides to get breakfast. Hos stomach is suggesting a large plate of scrambled eggs and avocado toast. Harry's healthy mindset is getting to him. It might be true that a good diet in fact does influence how oneself feels.

He slips into his warm, fluffy, slippers and trots towards the kitchen. The house is abnormally quiet, which might be reasoned with Niall's absences. Louis passes his room and glances inside to make sure. His bed is neatly made and his pillow is still fluffy.

"Shhh," Louis mouths at Cliff. The dog sneaked up on him, now tangled in Louis' sweatpants with his teeths. "Don't wake Harry, idiot." He coes and lifts Cliff like a baby up into his arms. He sways him a few times to get him quiet. For odd reasons, it works. He carries Cliff to the kitchen and lets him down on the chair Zayn gifted them. It's a dark brown mahogany chair adorned with faux fur.

Louis heats the pan and sprays it with oil. He then drops six eggs into the sizzling heat and tops it off with basil and a few walnuts. He bouls water for coffee and sets the table while Cliff watches him with squinted judgy eyes.

"I know what you're thinking," he says to Cliff, glancing over his shoulder during his mission to scramble the eggs, "And I," he points the slotted spoon at himself, "think the same think, but it's not what it looks like!"

Clifford rolls its eyes, huffing a sleepy bark.

"I know that's what they all say, but I'm really not crushing on him." He explains as he puts the eggs onto the plates and decorates it with crushed nuts and sriracha sauce. (But only a little, Harry doesn't enjoy his meals too spicy).

Clifford tilts its head.

"Yes, yes. I'm aware. But I couldn't be with a guy. I'm incapable of relationships Cliffy." He hands the dog a treat and pets its head.

He lights a few candles and sprinkles choclate splitters over the steaming hot coffees. He turns on his feet and looks directly into Cliffs soul, "this stays between us. Remember, I feed you."


Louis washes his face and bathes himself in various perfumes before he combs his hair and ruffles through it to achieve an effortless swirl.

"Harry," he screams, flirting with himself in the mirror, "Breakfast!". He spritzes one last aroma of vanilla "Blowjob" fragrance to his crotch and then, very satisfied with his look, leaves the bathroom.

He grins smugly. In the threshold, Louis recognizes the broad line of Harry's shoulders, his tousled curls and his tall frame, so lustrous and godlike. Louis appears behind him, his hand soothing over Harry's slightly haunched back. "I hope you like eggs." He whispers.

Harry shrieks. "Oh jesus!" His hand flies to his rapidly beating heart. "Do you want me dying?!"

Louis laughs, passing him and sitting down. He looks up, "Come on, sit."

Harry approaches the table gingerly, like it is going to bite him any second and then screw his insides. He sits down and digs his fork in the eggs. "You made this?" He asks with his mouth stuffed.

"No the fairy."

Harry tilts his head.

Louis groans, "yes. I made this, do you like it?"

Harry nods. "But why?"

"I wanted breakfast and you happen to breathe the oxygen in my house so I thought you might be hungry too."
Harry crosses his legs under the table, Louis can tell hecause when Harry crosses his legs, he automatically shifts a bit to the left which makes his waist look slutty and thin. He gulps.

"You've seen Niall?" He asks over spoonful of his slightly overcooked eggs.

Harry shakes his head, "No he's vanished. Yesterday, Francis got so mad about it. He missed work two times already."

Louis raises his eyebrows, "What? That's unusual for him. He loves that shitty job."

"I know. Zayn said he's going after some girl from his gender studies class."

"Sophie?" Louis almost drops his fork.

"Yeah. I guess so. She's quite young, isn't she?"

Louis nods hysterically. He puts his fork on the plate and sits up straight. "She's barely 17."

"Christ." Harry shakes his head. "That's just creepy."


Niall isn't back for another three days. Louis wanted to be mad about it but he isn't as mad as he thought. The house is abnormally quiet for the entire day which allows Louis and Harry to co-exist in peace. Louis even stopped wearing headphones around the house. He sits with Harry most of the day. He's uncommunitacative. He started wearing comfortable clothes around the houses a day ago and Louis already sees him with softer eyes. He likes to only be in Harry's presence. He avoids speaking mostly because he enjoys the hugs and the soft back rubs too much. Harry is so complex in his entire being, it's for being quiet for. Louis sits down beside him and does his homework and he could probably do it all day long while Harry paints. He bought those huge white canvas on which he splashes color and then loses himself in them.

Louis notices his quick absences during the day. He sees the day drinking and the weed but he can tell that Harry is trying to limit himself. Louis doesn't really care either way.

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