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Brooke knew how things were changing in her life. She knew how she was stepping up and becoming more of a mum to her little girl. She knew it wasn't easy. But she knew that since all that had happened that she couldn't lose her.

After Aidan and what happened. And especially as she knew just what her best friend was going through. She knew how none of it was easy

Brooke sat in the park with Ella as she toddled around. She knew that Ella was getting so big. She knew how the situation was not easy with her and Nick.

She knew how he seemed to be getting close to Chloe. And it worried her. Knowing she had just lost Aidan and was pregnant with his baby.  

Brooke knew that none of it was easy. She knew that she just wanted to do what was best to Ella.

Brooke smiled as she picked up her little girl and placed her in the swing. 

Ella giggled as Brooke looked to her. She smiled. "Mummy loves you so much baby. And she is going to get you back full time. I promise."

She knew that Nick was a good dad. How he had looked after Ella when she couldn't. But she knew that she was Ella's mum. And how she wanted her back with her full time.

She knew that she'd be looking into a fight about it. And she knew what Nick was like.

Brooke was worried about it. She didn't want to lose access to Ella. But she knew that she needed to fight for her baby girl.


Brooke smiled as she got to Chloe's flat. She walked in and looked to her and smiled. "Hey how are you doing?" Brooke asked.

Chloe smiled. "I'm okay. I am just tired. I mean this whole pregnancy thing. It's not easy to get my head around the fact I'm alone in it. But I know that this is Aidan's baby. And I know if he was here he'd be excited and a great father."

"Yeah. And you're not alone. You know that. That baby is family still. You're my best friend. So I am going nowhere. It will all be okay," Brooke said.

Chloe looked to her and smiled. "What would I do without you?" She said as Brooke smiled. 


Brooke got to Adam's office. He looked to her and smiled. "Hey. Are you okay?" he asked.

Brooke smiled. "I need some advice. How likely am I to get Ella back if I went to court?"

Adam looked to her. "You want custody back?"

Brooke nodded. "He works full time. His mum looks after her. I see her two hours a week. I am in her life. I am going to college part time. I want her back. I want to do better. I can offer her more than I could," she said.

Adam looked to her and nodded. "I won't lie to you. It won't be easy. If he doesn't agree, he could make your life hell. But as you said you're doing better. Want me to prepare the paperwork?" he asked.

"I need to speak to him. And I can't exactly afford a lawyer," she said.

Adam nodded. "I never said I would charge you. No matter what, it will be okay," he said as Brooke smiled.

Knowing she just wanted her daughter back.

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