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Brooke knew how things were. And she knew it wasn't easy. She knew how she had been looking into getting Ella back.

She knew that she had struggled at first. But she knew how Ella was her girl. And she knew how she wanted her back.

Brooke knew how the last thing that she wanted was a fight with Nick. But she was worried he wouldn't give her back.

Brooke knew that even if they had fifty fifty custody of her it would be for the best. Brooke knew how she wanted more than the occasional visit with her.

She wanted to have rights. She wanted for everything to be okay. She knew how she was Ella's mum. And she deserve to have more of a say in her life. She knew how she had to speak to Nick about it and she wasn't exactly looking forward to it.

Brooke sat in the cafe and looked to see Adam as he walked in and walked over to her and smiled. "Have you thought about what we discussed?" He asked.

Brooke nodded. "Yes. I am going to speak to Nick later. I'm worried over what he will say I mean what if he won't let me have custody I only want equal and the right to make decisions for Ella."

Adam looked to her. He smiled as he took a hold of her hand. "I know it's not easy. I know that you're worried. But I want you to know that you're not alone in this. I am here for you no matter what," Adam said as Brooke smiled.


Brooke walked through the street. She saw Chloe and smiled as she looked to her. "Hey. How are you doing?" She asked.

Chloe looked to her and smiled. "I'm okay. You don't need to worry about me. A lot has happened. But I am okay." 

Brooke nodded. "You're my best friend and your boyfriend took his life. I know that you're pregnant. And trying to focus on the baby. But mentally it can't be easy on you. I just want you to know that if you want to talk, I'm here no matter what," she said.

Chloe looked to her and smiled. "Thanks it means a lot. It really does," Chloe said as Brooke smiled.

She knew how Aidan death effected a lot of people. And she just wanted for everything to be okay.


Brooke met up with Nick as she picked up Ella and smiled. "Hi baby!" she said as Ella babbled away.

"There's something I want to talk to you about. I know how when I had her, I dumped her on you. But life is short. And I want more I think we should look at fifty fifty custody for her."

"Are you sure that you're ready?" Nick asked.

"It won't be easy. I know that. But Ella deserves a mum. And I want to be more than taking her to the park kinda parent. And I know you do," she said.

Nick sighed. "We'll see how a trial basis goes. I need to know you're ready," he said as Brooke nodded.

But was she ready to finally be a mum to her baby?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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