Chapter One: Worthy of Love

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Sakuras POV:
"Sasuke, there's no reason why you have to go again, you've already been gone for months now and what am I supposed to do? You run off and I'm just left here to be your beck and call?" I said with tears welling up in my eyes.

"This is honestly not a discussion I'd like to be having minutes before I walk out the door Sakura, I've told you, I don't have time to hear the complaining. This is the price of being with me. Take it or leave it." Sasuke spats with a hateful tone.

Sadness soon turned into anger as I stomped my feet in a rage "You know what, honestly don't come back, it's not like you'll miss me anyway while your gone, whose to say I'll even miss you." Those words struck me as I couldn't believe they came out my mouth. Courage struck me as I opened my mouth again.

"You know Sasuke, don't let the door hit you on the way out..." as he scoffed while he walked out i heard him say with a angered expression "You must honestly think I give a damn."

I made sure I dead bolted the door after slamming it behind him. Frustration filled my mind as I couldn't believe we were back at square one. "He must think he's the only man that has ever paid me attention, as if I ever wanted them though. I was always busy chasing after the jackass who just left."

I turned on something on the tv just to occupy my mind but it didn't work, as I went over scenarios in my mind of all the times I let him treat me that way and how I always went back to him, always forgiving him. I heard scratching at the patio door and figured it was time to let Leo my kitten out so he could get some fresh air as well as I.

I put my slippers on as I grabbed my cup of tea and stepped out on the balcony as he followed. As I looked down at the dim lit streets below my apartment I noticed someone walking. "Isn't it a little late to be walking around at night, especially being on the opposite side of town from where you live?" I said with a smirk.

"Isn't it a little late to be sitting on your balcony staring at me?" He said with a furrowed brow. Blue orbs locked eyes with mine and tilt his head trying to make out who I was. "Oh damn, it's you Sakura, didn't think you were the type to stalk people, he said with a sarcastic grin as he hopped onto my balcony.

"You're the one to talk, you literally are on my balcony." I said while rolling my eyes.

"Just thought maybe you'd wanna get a closer look?" Naruto said as he moved closer. Nerves shot through my body as I looked away from him trying to seem unaffected by his remark. As I turned back to him I could smell the saki on his breath. No wonder he had such courage to say that to me. "Have you been drinking?" I said with a smile creeping on my lips.

Naruto's POV

As she stared at me, sage green eyes staring into mine, I couldn't help but remember all the times when we were younger. How much I cared about her, if only she realized Sasuke was nothing short of awful towards her. If only she realized how much I wanted her. "I had a cup while eating ramen I don't see the big deal in it" I chuckled at the fact that she assumed I was drunk.

"Why are you out here anyway?" I ask confused and curious. "I'm upset and needed some fresh air." She stated as she had tried to hold back tears but I could see them welling in her eyes as she look down at the ground "Oh, lemme guess, Sasuke is the reason huh?" He always knew how to piss us both off and believe it, I was pissed. Before Sakura could get a word out I lifted her chin.

"You can't let him hurt you like this anymore, you deserve more than that."

Sakura's POV

His words shook me as I heard them echoing in my ears. He's absolutely right, but why is it I keep letting him treat me this way. Probably because I don't want to feel like I wasted my years loving someone who could never love me back. Then I realized.... That's exactly how Naruto probably feels about me. As I stared at the man standing in-front of me I realized something. I've begged for years to have someone love and cherish me the way I deserved. That man was literally standing right in-front of me and this whole time, I was too ignorant to realize it.

"Naruto..." I said shyly as I saw his face turned towards the opposite direction. I could see the pain he felt just seeing me this way, let alone the anger against Sasuke. "Why do you care for me? All these years you always made sure I was happy, why?"

He started to smile as he looked up at the night sky, the moon shining perfectly on his face. "I do it because I've always felt the need to protect you, be next to you, I don't choose to make you happy." He shifted his head and looked at the ground. "It's just something that always just came naturally with you." Red started to form on his cheeks as he looked down at me and then shyly darted his eyes back at the sky.

"Thank you Naruto, I don't think I could do it without you..." as I said that he knelt down in-front of me inches away from my face, as he looked at me I felt like he could see right through me, see all the new emotions that I felt for him. That all this time, he's the man I should of been with.

Naruto's POV

Looking at her features, her rose colored cheeks, soft pink lips and not to mention the way she was looking at me, I saw two things. One, that she was was hurt and secondly that she made sure I knew that I'm the one who could make that go away. I did something that I blame on the Saki for even having the courage to do.
I finally got what I craved for all these years.

I kissed her.


This is my first time writing something but I have wanted to do it for a very long time so I hope you guys like it.

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