Chapter Four: How far will we go?

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Sakura's POV:

"What is taking Shikamaru and Temari so damn long?" I said standing at our Village Gate. "I know, it's about to be sun down soon and I'm already starving." Naruto says with an annoyed expression. I laughed at the thought that all he cared about was his stomach. You know what, they're probably messing around before we have to leave." I said turning towards him to see his reaction "Well" he said with shrugged shoulders " I don't blame them, after our incident last night and earlier, I understand why they would." a smug grin plastered across his face.

I blush, shocked, as I register what he just said. I bet that's something he's wanted to do with me for a while, honestly has he even had sex before? I look back up at him, curiosity taking over. "Have you even done anything before to even know what it's like?" I could tell he got nervous as he smiled and started scratching the back of his head. "Ofcourse I have, why do you think I'm so eager to have that again?"

Part of me gets jealous at the fact that he said that. I've never done it before not even with Sasuke. He always got upset at the fact that I didn't want to. It was something I felt would make things harder for me when he would leave for weeks at a time. He probably went to go see Karin majority of those "missions" he took. Come to think of it. That's probably where he is now.

My mind shifts as I see Shikamaru and Temari walk up towards us. I could see that they looked a bit disheveled from their previous escapade. "You guys took long enough" I said rolling my eyes.

"You know, just because we have fun doesn't mean you have to be pissy about it." Shika scuffs. Temari laughs "Anyway, we should get going." She reaches her palm out and I see a gold key labeled South Cabin. "Here is your key, we will enter through the south entrance and me and Shika will head north once we get to the Village."

As we reach the Southern Entrance I get butterflies in my stomach at the thought of me and Naruto being alone for 3 days together. My mind wandered as I thought of what Naruto meant by "wouldn't wanna spoil all the fun." Would he try to make a move?

Naruto's POV:

"Well, looks like our mission officially starts now."I said with my hands on my hips, viewing the entrance to the Village hidden in the Mist. "How exactly are we able to contact each other from the separate entrance if we need to?" I said while looking at Shikamaru, grinning at the fact that I probably outwitted him finally. "Don't worry about that, we have someone who will get a status update from our teams each day. If anything happens at either entrance, they will report to the other team to head that way." Shikamaru stated as he walked off. "Stay focused and diligent. We don't want distractions getting in the way of your mission." Temari said with a grin as her and Shikamaru walked away.

I scuffed as I walked over to the cabin door, Sakura following behind. As I reached the door and unlocked it, I saw a decent size cabin. Kitchen, a bathroom with a tub and shower. I saw Sakura peak into the bathroom making sure the vanity was big enough for all her extremities. As I turned away from her laughing I saw something that made me stop in my tracks.

"Ha, we'll look what we have here." I said as I walked toward the cabin we would be staying at. Anxiety washed over me as I realized there was only one bed. "Well shit." Sakura said noticing exactly what I saw as she stood behind me. Blush appeared on her cheeks as she figured as well as I that there would be separate sleeping areas. "Look on the bright side." I said with a nervous smile. At least it's a king size so we won't have to be on top of each other."

Even though I sure as hell wanted to, I didn't know how she felt about it. From the way she reacted I could tell it made her feel nervous at the thought. "If you want I can sleep on the recliner over there if you want me to." I said pointing at the old chair in the corner of the room. "Naruto, no need for that, it's not a problem. Just keep your hands to yourself."

I smiled at her remark as I walked over to shut the cabin door. "Don't worry, I'll keep my hands to myself, as long as you want me too." Walking over to her I saw her face beam red and her eyes dart to the floor. It always amazed me how she could be so expressive with the way she felt. I could always see it on her face, no matter what she was feeling. I lifted her chin and looked at her worried expression. "You know, I really do hope you understand that I would never do anything unless you asked me too, I respect you too much to ever hurt you." I noticed saying that out her to some ease but I could tell her mind was still racing at the thought.

Sakuras POV:

I stared at Naruto as I registered the words he just said. How could I never notice before how much he cares about me. How could I be so foolish to believe Sasuke was just "shy" about showing his emotions, and not into "mushy" interactions. It's clear now to me that he never truly cared.

"Naruto.... Why me...?" I said with watery eyes staring up at the man I once called a friend. The man who was once a silly little kid. Almost as if all these years I was blind to who he really was. "Sakura, you don't have to do cartwheels for me to realize how beautiful you are inside and out." He said as he put his other hand on my lower back while caressing my cheek with the other. I never really felt as if anyone could ever feel the way he described.

"Even when we were kids, all the little things you would do made me feel the way I do today." I could feel my heart beating fast in my chest as he continued. "From the way your forehead crinkles when you are frustrated." He said as he kissed me lightly on my forehead. "The way you blush when you're embarrassed." Moving down, placing a kiss on my cheek. "Not to mention you put your finger on your lip when you are thinking hard about something."

All the things he was saying made me feel like there was nothing I needed to be worried about. Shocked by the fact that he noticed all those little details and loved each and everyone of them. He leaned in pressing his lips softly onto mine, running his hand through my hair and tightening his grip on my hip with his other hand.

I couldn't resist as I moved my lips with his, my arms wrapping around him. A soft moan escaped his lips as I licked his bottom lip wanting nothing more than for him to deepen the kiss. Our tongues fought for dominance. A feeling in my stomach forming as he went for my neck sucking lightly on my flushed skin, a small red bruise appearing. "Naruto.." I said trying to hold back a moan from escaping my lips. "You can't leave hickeys on me, you know we can't get caught." He chuckles as he travels back up my neck leaving a trail of kisses. "Sorry, I've just wanted to do that for a long time." He says giving me a peck on the lips before making his way towards the door.

"Naruto.... I didn't mean stop completely" I couldn't believe the confidence and want I had to say that. I could see by the expression on his face that it was gonna take a minute for him to process what I said.

Naruto's POV:

I was shocked by what I just heard but I knew that if I kept going, I wouldn't be able to control myself. The way her soft skin felt on my finger tips to the curves of her body pressed against me. I don't think I could stop even if we had to. "Sakura, you know we have a job to do right?" I said with a quirky smile to shock as I opened the cabin door seeing that it was already sunset. "Oh shit!" Sakura shouted as she ran past me and out to our post. Catching her breath as she sat on the ground, now concentrating on her surroundings.

As I walked over all I could think of is how good she made me feel as she tensed up at my lips dragging across her skin, wondering if I made her feel as good as I did. Wanting to hear her moan as I made her body react to my own. One thing I couldn't seem to get off my mind till we were able to finally go in for the night was.

What if I didn't stop?

Sorry it took so long for me to start the new chapter. I have been so busy with life lol. I hope you like it though!

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