my Tumblr post #1

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Saw this and couldn't hold back myself from writing it

I can imagine the chaos in Optimus's head if he finds out his soulmate is MEGATRON'S hybrid child.

The team getting to know the information through a third party source....

Team prime: so that's means y/n is MEGATRON'S child!!

Y/n: It seems like it *distraught*

Optimus: * silently brooding in the corner*

Y/n: Optimus? Sweet park?

In Optimus's brain: so my soulmate is MEGATRON'S child.....My once brother ,long time friend and now my arch enemy whom I can't get enough of every day as he is an annoying bucket head who wants nothing but to piss me off out of the whimpering jealousy of not being chosen due his violent nature in achieving the higher status by power. and I fucked that mech's child on numerous times in my berthroom, in shower, in side my truck......SOooooooo I had INTERCOURSE WITH MY Niece AND I AM HER UNCLE...IS THIS INCEST? IS THIS WRONG NOnonononono we are not actually related plus I love y/n more than my spark despite the origin of her parental units I have no bad intentions with her when I decided to court her. Plus we are chosen by the Primus to be soulmates. We would never have guessed how other ways we could be connected if we didn't receive this.... information right? Right!?

Y/n: Optimus?

Optimus's brows snap together and bring him back into reality.

Y/n: is something bothering you?

Optimus: * conceal his inner thought and shake his head* nothing concerning little one *cant help but notice your now visual exposed swollen belly*

He is over cloud nine to start a new chapter with his soulmate whom he truly cherishes.

But those sweat bullets will definitely start gliding once everything will be out of the bag and Megatron will chase him across the universe to cut off his spike for sparking his child and maybe later consider having his head also.

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