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One thing that the group of friends enjoyed doing together was sneaking out and going to parties. Edd, the responsible one, was always the driver. Matt was always in the passengers seat while Tom and Tord sat together in the back, passing each other the cart that Tom always had on him. It was their unspoken "assigned" seating.

They found themselves at a party tonight. "Wow, this party is packed." Edd said out loud, though, it was hard to hear him. "Hopefully the cops don't show up.." Tom, the only one who heard him. "Ha. It would suck if they busted the party when we just got here." Edd chuckled as he poked some form of fun. "Don't jinx it." Tom said, looking around to see who he recognized.

A brunette walked up to Tord with a huge smile on her face. "There you are!" She cheered, grabbing onto Tord's arm as she pulled him towards the crowd. Tord only raised an eyebrow. "You knew I was coming?" He questioned, his accent was thick. "Well of course! Do you guys ever miss a party?" She laughed at herself, Tord returning a chuckle.

"Well there he goes.." Tom grumbled. "You think they're dating?" Edd asked, Matt watching as the girl and Tord walked away. "You think so?" Matt pondered. "Nah. She's far outta his league." Tom said. "She's so gorgeous." Matt said smiling. "Eh. I'm gonna go find myself something to drink." Tom spoke. Tom left the two making his way through the crowd. The music was blaring and it was nearly hard to hear your own thoughts.

Tom found his way to the drinks, which, were only alcoholic beverages. "Nice." He said to himself, pouring himself a cup of vodka. At parties, Tom always went off by himself to drink. He honestly didn't mind watching others enjoy themselves. Though what ticked him off was how Tord easily has pretty girls approaching him the way that they do. Why don't girls approach him? Perhaps it was his appearance.

Tom turned around. Lost in thought. He bumped into someone, completely getting his drink on himself. "Fuck me." Tom groaned, "Watch where your fucking walking." The other said, this guy looked like a football player. Typical jock. "My bad man. Place is a bit crowded." Tom said, calm and collected. The other guy picked up on his calm approach, "Hey no worries. Sorry for snapping at ya." He gave Tom a smack on the arm and continued his way. Tom gave a slight roll to his eyes and went to find a bathroom.

After walking into several wrong rooms. He finally found the bathroom, he opened the door rather suddenly, not giving a thought to knock. There he saw Tord and the brunette kissing. "Huh. Well this is awkward," Tom said out loud. Making both of them look over. "Tom!" Tord said in shock. "Ever heard of knocking..?!" He finished. Tom gave a smirk, "Nothing to get worked up about Tord. I just need something to dry off my shirt." Tom said as he grabbed a small towel. "Also. That kiss looked weak as hell.." Tom said,

"Yeah? Like you have room to speak. I've never seen you with a girl. What makes you think you can say some dumbass shit like that?" Tord narrowed his eyes at Tom. The brunette feeling the tension, she excused herself, which made Tord more mad. "Fuck does that mean. Commie." Tom cocked his head. "I'm saying you don't have enough experience to say what you just said to me." Tord growled. Tom scoffed, before slamming the door shut. Both closed in the room together. He stepped towards Tord, looking down at him. "I got enough experience to know what I'm talking about. Did I hurt your feelings or something?" Tom grinned.

"No." Tord said firmly, "I just feel you should have said that stupid shit when she wasn't around." He crossed his arms. "Don't get mad at me 'cause you don't know how to get a girl trembling by just a kiss." Tom shrugged. "All these girls but yet.. hey, no girlfriend."

"What's your problem? You jealous or something?" Tord asked, "Hell no. Just wanted to say you got no game." Tom smiled, "Faen deg." Tord looked Tom dead in the eyes. "Yeah? You'd like that huh." Tom let out a laugh. Tord grabbed Tom by the collar nearly about to swing before everyone got loud outside. Both turned their heads to the door. Cops.

Tord mumbled, letting go of Tom. "Come on. Out the window." Tom said, as he forced the old window open. Tord made his way out jumping to the ground, Tom followed behind. They both took off running towards the woods once Tom's feet hit the grass. It seemed that the cops didn't spot them, as they where occupied by the front of the house and those who were still inside. They made their way across the creek where they found a ditch that was perfectly hidden by trees. It was dark and away enough that the cops wouldn't even bother to look.

Both boys were out of breath. Breathing heavily as they took a moment to collect themselves. "Damn it Edd." Tom could only manage to get out. Tord looking at Tom in question. "He jinxed it!" Tom groaned. "He say the cops were gonna come?" Tord asked, "Something like that. Now we gotta wait it out." Tom let out a sigh before he sat down. Tord doing the same. They sat there in silence. Listening. Weren't they just arguing minutes ago?

Tom slipped a hand in his pocket taking out his cart. He took a good hit before passing it off to Tord. Tord let out a quiet laugh, taking it, he too took a hit. The two sat in silence passing it back and forth. It would be a hot minute before the cops cleared out. They knew that.

Tord finally broke the silence after awhile. Both boys were high. "Since your so good at kissing, how'd you learn it?" Tord asked. "Eh. Came natural." Tom said, "Liar." Tord doubted. Tom shrugged his shoulders taking another hit. "I mean I'd coach you how to do it, but it's not like you can learn by watching me kiss someone." Tom said without thought to it, "It's something you gotta feel for yourself to understand."

Tord stayed silent. "You do know what you just said right?" Tord questioned. "Yeah? What? It's not like it means anything. No ones around. The only two people who know is us. And probably a damn raccoon but that's about it." Tom looked at Tord. Tord started laughing to himself. "Your joking right?" Tord asked, Tom shook his head. Tord's smile faded. It fell silent between the two.

"It's only weird if you actually like it. Do you want help or not?" Tom said. Taking yet another hit of his cart. "Uhm." Tord thought for a moment. "It stays between us," Tord said, "Obviously." Tom agreed. Tom handed Tord the cart. Tord taking a long hit. Hoping to get himself more buzzed for this. The two sat beside each other, taking in what they had just agreed to. Tord looking over at Tom, "Ready?" Tom asked. Tord sighed. "I guess?"

Tom gently placed a hand on the side of Tord's face. Leaning towards him and bringing Tord closer. His lips placed onto the Norski's. Giving him a soft peck before kissing him deeply. Tord was tensing up, this felt.. weird. Tom pulled away. "You need to relax." Tom said quietly, before kissing Tord again. Tord closed his eyes, giving in, trying to imagine a girl instead of Tom. Tom doing the same. Both were getting lost within the kiss. Tom ever so slightly slipping his tounge in Tord's mouth. Tom was gentle and, passionate?

The taller leaning into Tord more, making the Norski lean back onto the ground, his hand sliding up Tord's sweatshirt. Tord let out a quiet groan. Taking this as a sign, Tom gently pulled away from the kiss, trailing his lips down Tord's neck. Finding a spot that made Tord's body squirm. He began to kiss and bruise the area. Tord was feeling.. oddly good.. his high made his vision and mind blurred. Tom left a hicky after another. Before he had a sudden realization, snapping outta it, this was Tord that he was doing this to. He focused on the hand placed on Tord's skin.. he felt warm.. and he was shaking. Never did he imagine that he'd leave Tord trembling. Tom pulled away. Looking down over Tord, this was a different view that he got to see.. Tord was flustered and hot. Woah.

Tom gulped. He could feel himself get hard. Holy shit. He pulled himself away from Tord. "Hey snap outta it. I think we're okay to leave now." Tom said. Tord slowly sat up. "Why'd you stop." He asked, Tom ignored him. Tord was high. He wasn't thinking straight. "Never mind that. We gotta find Edd and Matt and get ourselves home." Tom sighed as he got up. He lended Tord a hand helping him up as well.

Unfortunately for Tom he had to help guide Tord out from the woods. Which was slightly annoying and took what felt like forever. They ended up finding Edd and Matt waiting for them in the car. "What took you guys forever?" Matt asked, "Cops chased us into the woods," Tom said, helping Tord inside. Tord was cackling to himself. "We had to wait them out." Tom finished saying as he got inside. "How high is he right now?" Edd questioned, looking back at the two. "Cloud 9." Tom simply said. Edd shook his head turning to start the car and drive them all home.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2023 ⏰

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