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A typical day for y/n and yunjin her best friend they we're both second years in college. Both majoring in music, "what are you doing after class" yunjin asked y/n "hmm nothing much tbh" she says as she looks at her phone. "You know you should really date someone" she asked out of the blue "what are you even saying" y/n said as she let out a sarcastic laugh "no i'm being serious i think you should find someone, plus you've been single for five years already" yunjin said "orrr are you still not over him" yunjin said as she squinted

"Tsk, of course i'm over that douche" y/n said as her eyes we're still glued to her phone. "listen as your best friend i think you should start dating again i mean its been ages already since your last break up plus this'll be your second time dating" yunjin said and y/n wasn't budging "come on y/n~" yunjin cooed "i will once i feel like it, right now i'm busy with school and also my part-time" y/n said as she finally looked at yunjin "your impossible" yunjin said as she rolled her eyes "well that's my time, i gotta go" y/n said as she packed her stuff into her bag "i'll text you later, i have to go to work" she said and yunjin nods "okay bye" she said as y/n runs off

Y/n worked at a café near campus she works her shift until 11pm. She tries to finish all her assignments with yunjin in the library but doesn't complete all of it, but tries too. She walks in and puts her stuff away in the back and grabs her apron "Hi Sungchan" y/n says as she goes to the counter "hey y/n the shift is slow today we can take it easy" he says and y/n nods "ooooh that's good i'm kinda tired" she says and sungchan laughs "you should just quit this job and focus on school" he says "never, i need money" y/n said as she snickered and he nods "same, i'm just glad i'll be out in a few years" he says "oh btw is it okay if you close today i have an appt later and i can't miss it" he says and she nods "sure don't worry i can do it" y/n says and he nods "thanks" he said


The café was closing and y/n was mopping the floor and she kinda felt scared being alone especially at night she's usually with sungchan but he had to leave early and y/n had to close the café 'ugh let me do this quick, so i can go home' y/n tells herself, then as she was going to fix the chairs someone appeared in front of the door scaring her and she's never seen the guy before and y/n doesn't open the door for him but instead talks through the door "umm sorry we're closed" y/n says but he doesn't seem to move "you can come back tomorrow" she says but he didn't say anything or move at all. 'weird' he seemed someone around her age h was wearing black ripped jeans and a black long sleeve shirt and a mask, "uhh d-do you need help" y/n says as she couldn't let him stay there

He finally looked up after his eyes we're looking down the whole time. He nods at her request and y/n gulps 'he seems nice and odd, no i can't just let him in like that, what if he has a gun? or tries to kidnap me?' after a while of thinking y/n opens the door for him and he walks in closing the door behind "umm my shift is over and i was about to close the café, but d-do you want anything" y/n says as she was intimated by him "Latte" he says as he sits down and y/n nods as she walks back and makes his latte, he seemed to be in pain as he grunted when he sits down and y/n kept glancing at him from time to time, "uh here" she says placing his latte down and "thank you" he says and takes his mask off

Y/n couldn't help but blush 'he's so pretty' y/n thought she saw how his sleeves we're kinda torn she noticed some scratches on his face too 'he was probably jumped' she thought she went to the back and grab the first aid and he looks at her "umm you seem a bit hurt" y/n said as she points "its okay" he said as he continued to drink his latte and y/n sighs "i can do it for you" y/n says as she sits next to him taking the ointment and bandages out "its really fine" he says as he refused "no its fine, it can get infected if there not treated" y/n tells him and he sighs. Y/n had a better chance of seeing more up close and he was stunning to her. The they heard shouting coming from outside



Three guys shouted and he grabbed y/n from the arm turning off the lights, hiding in the back of the café, and he held her close to him. They started to knock and bang on the door "WHERE ARE YOU" one shouted "HOW COULD WE LOSE THAT BASTARD" one commented afterwards and wonbin looks at y/n who was scared "its okay, just look down" he said and y/n looks at him and does what he said. After the commotion ended they both walked out "is your name wonbin" y/n says and he nods "yea, but pretend we didn't see each other" he says and y/n had lots of questions but he walks off

"Wait no" y/n says as she grabs him "what if they come back" she says and he looks at her "they won't don't worry, lock up and go home" he says as he walks off putting his mask back on "thank you for your service" he says as he gives her money and without looking back he disappears and y/n sighs

"i didn't tell you my name" she says as she goes back inside grabbing her stuff from the back where they we're and closes the café, walking back to her dorm



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