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It was time for my classes as i walked down the hallway, i saw eunseok waving at me and i smile at him as i walk towards him "what class are you going too" he asked "oh, i'm going to physics" i say and he nods "wanna eat lunch together" he says and i nod "sure" i said and he walks off and so do i 

For some reason, i feel happy but out of place at the same time, i walk past wonbin he didn't notice me and i saw him smiling so widely to a girl that i knew so well, 'out of all people, why Karina' i said to myself 'I've never seen him this happy' i told myself i ignored my thoughts and just kept walking for some reason i can't get it out of my head now

'Am i falling for... Wonbin or..... no way i can't' 


It was time for lunch and yunjin couldn't stay with me since she had to leave to check on her Sungchan, i remembered my little lunch out with eunseok surprisingly i found him at a table and i walked over to him "oh, you made it" he said surprised "yea i was going to eat with you" i said. "haha i didn't think you would" he said "anyways... how was class" he asked "hmmm it was good, i love that class too" i said smiling as i ate my lunch and he smiled 

"You haven't changed a bit" he said staring at me and i looked at him "umm what do you mean" i said "you still smile before taking your bite of your food" he says smiling as he ate "oh, you noticed that, i didn't even know i did that" i said awkwardly and he laughs "of course i remember, i just don't know why i screwed things up" he said in a low voice and i looked at him "its fine, i already forgave you" i said and he lifts his head "really??? you did" he said excited and i nod "yea" i said smiling at him 

I heard laughter and it was coming from wonbin's table and i slightly turn my head and i saw him and karina again, he was smiling and she was laughing he looks at me and my eyes widen making me turn my head back again. "Yea i did forgive you so don't mention that again, okay?" i said and he nods "yea i won't i promise" he says

Wonbin who was eyeing y/n and eunseok the whole time he couldn't believe she forgave him, "what's wrong" karina said and he turns to her "nothing, wanna go to that café" he says and she nods "of course" she says and they both get up walking out of the cafeteria,


I was doing homework in the living room, someone knocks on the door and i get up going to it and i found a drunk wonbin "oh, wonbin?" i say and he stumbles inside laying on the couch "why did you drink on a school day" i say confused and he didn't say anything and i sigh 'maybe he should stop staying at my house' i say to myself as i continue my homework. i was quite worried about him but i shrugged it off 

"y/n~" he says and i hum "c-can you come~" he says and i sigh "what is it" i say and he sits up straight "can you hug me~" he says with his eyes half open and his cheeks flushed "ummm" i say and he hugs me out of nowhere and my eyes widen and i half hug him "what's wrong" i say and he didn't say anything and he looks at me "you shouldn't have forgave him~" he said half stammering which i couldn't understand much 

"What are you talking about" i tell him but he had fallen asleep and i smile slightly "why are you hanging out with that Karina" i say to him and i scoff, i tried carrying him to his room i managed to take him to his room "good night" i say and he grabs my arm and i look at him "sleep with me~" he says and i laugh "no, i can't just sleep" i say and he didn't let my arm go "wonbin, let go" i say and he nods "i won't~" he said pouting making me laugh "you gotta work on that" i say and he rolls his eyes not letting me go "please stay with me~" he said and i sigh "fine, i'll sit here til you sleep" i say

He nods happily "can you touch my hair, i sleep faster like that~" he says and i let out a force smile "sure" i said gently stroking his hair before i knew it i had knocked out with him


I woke up and i sigh "not again" i said as i noticed i had slept in his room for the second time again. I get up and walk out and i see him eating and my phone ding

Eunseok :)

Hey, y/n i wanted to know if your free tomorrow maybe we can go to a cat café or something 

Eunseok had texted me and i let out a smile, not knowing what to reply "who texted you to make you smile like that" wonbin said and i forgot he was sitting there "oh no one" i said looking at him then my phone 

Hey, yea i'm totally free to go, see you tomorrow

Eunseok :)

Yayy, okay i'll pick you up at the usual time :) see you then

i smile.... at the text

Okay :)

i put my phone away and walk to the kitchen "is it eunseok" he said and i look at him "why do you care?" i said looking at him "its just a yes or no question, since you said that i'm assuming it is" he said and i rolled my eyes "you don't have to be like that, i don't know why your so into my business" i said grabbing the cereal box 

"Sorry, for being into your 'business' i just wanted to know" he said and got up "where are you going?" i said "why do you care?" he said giving me the same attitude i just did "wonbin~" i said and he looks at me "im going to meet Karina" he said "that's all, see ya later" he said "wait.. but" i said and he had already left 

'Is he avoiding me' 


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