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"Why did they beat you up" i said as i put ointment in wonbin's wound and he flinched a bit "sorry" i said as i blew on it "i don't know i think karina has something to do with this" he said and i put a bandage over it "oh really" i said and he nods "yea" he said, he made eye contact with me and i smiled at him, i got up and put the things away. "Are you hungry?" i asked him and he looks at me "i'm okay" he said and i raised an eyebrow "i heard your stomach growl a bit when i was putting the bandage on" i said and he looked away 

"Ramen, then" he said and i let out a laugh "okay" i said with a smile as i walk over to the kitchen, "Are you actually going to hangout with Eunseok" he says and i look at him "what" i said and he walks over to the table "are you actually going to the café with eunseok" he said again and i looked at the floor "uhhh yea i am" i said as i walked over to him with the bowl of ramen "here ya go" i said as i placed it on the table "thank you" he said and i nod as i sat in front of him eating mine as well

"You shouldn't go" he said and i looked at him "why? It's not like a date" i said and he looks at me "he doesn't think that way, plus i saw him hanging out with karina at the mall yesterday" he says "i think they're on to something" he says and i scoff "seriously, wonbin" i said kinda annoyed "he's a friend, well my ex there's nothing wrong with me hanging out with him we're not even a thing and never will be" i said and he nods "i know just be cautious of him, i don't trust him at all" he says and i sigh "thanks for your concern i guess" i said as i continued to eat my ramen in silence

So did he

"Wanna watch tv" i asked and he nods "sure" he says and i walked over to the couch and put something on "let's watch the uncanny counter" i said and he nods "sure" he says and we started watching it soon after i felt my eyelids heavy and i fell asleep on wonbin's shoulder, wonbin had a small smile as he saw y/n sleeping on him he wrapped his arms around her and also fell asleep throughout the drama


I woke up and i saw wonbin sleeping on my shoulder and i couldn't help but smile, i moved his head slowly as i got up but that made him wake up and he looks at me "uhh good morning" i said smiling and he smiles back "morning" he says as he also got up 'he's gonna give me a heart attack one day' i say to myself "want breakfast" he asked and i looked at him "uhh sure" i said and he nods "okay" he says as he walks over to the kitchen and i got up from the sofa and i walk over to the bathroom and start my morning routine 

I was done, and i walk to the kitchen and i saw wonbin 'he looks unreal' i told myself and i found myself staring at him and he looks over at me and smiles and i look away 'shoot' i said and he lets out a laugh which i can hear and he walks over to me and places the food on the table "enjoy" he said and i nod "thanks" i said and he smiles as i was eating, i got a text from eunseok

Eunseok :)    

Hey y/n, just wanted to let you know that i'll be there in 10min to pick you up :D 

I smiled and replied back

Heyy okay i'll wait for you here

I put my phone down and i saw wonbin staring at me "what" i said "you aren't suppose to be on your phone when you eat" he says and i scoff "seriously" i said letting out a small laugh "don't be a goof wonbin, it was just eunseok" i said and he wasn't laughing "who cares if its him, i don't think you should go with him" he says which made me annoyed again "are you still on with this, he won't do anything" i said rolling my eyes "sorry i just don't want anything happening to you, i care about you" he says

"Thanks for your concern but don't worry i'll be fine" i said smiling at him and he had that worry expression on him still i walked over to him and gave him a hug which surprised me too and he hugged me back "tell you what i'll text you when i get there okay, so you won't be worried" i said and he nodded "okay" he said and i ruffled his hair getting up but he grabbed my arm "can i get one more hug" he said and i laugh "umm sure" i said and i hugged him once more, my phone ringed "oh its eunseok" i said letting go of him 

Eunseok :) 

Y/n i'm here now ;)

I looked over to wonbin "he's here" i said and he nodded "imma go get my shoes and my purse" i said as i went over to get my purse and i started putting my shoes and wonbin standing behind me "I'll get going now" i said and he nodded "don't frown" i said trying to put a smile on his face but he wouldn't budge "be careful y/n" he says and i laugh "don't worry goof i'll be good" i say as i walk away and he held the door open and saw eunseok

"Hey sorry" i said as i walked in the car "its okay y/n" he says and he looked over and made eye contact with wonbin who still wouldn't move from the door he let out a smirk, making wonbin glare at him more 

"Is that your boyfriend??" eunseok asked and she looked out "oh, noooo he's a friend haha" i said and he nods "hmm it doesn't seem like it tho, he's glaring at me he's that same guy from the cafeteria" he says and i nod "yea, he didn't have a dorm so i offered mines" i said and he nodded "fine" he says 

"Shall we go" he says and i nod "sure" i said as i looked out still seeing wonbin standing there my heart felt something 

'why does it feel that this will be my last time seeing him' i told myself as i placed my hand over my chest my heart wouldn't stop beating

"Let's go" eunseok says as we drove away


The story is coming to an end :) i hope you have enjoyed it so far thanks for reading :(  

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