Chapter 2

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3rd POV

Our story begins with the massive Decepticon warship which was currently floating over a large mountain. The camera changed to show the underbelly of the ship as a large set of doors open and a long elevator like tube started lowering down into the mountain. 

Starscream: Of the energon deposits we have located while you were away, Lord Megatron this one is by far the most signifigant

Starscream says as the elevator like tube lowers further into the mountain to reveal massive shards of energon sitting at the bottom as dozens of Vehicons mine them away. 

Starscream: The troops have been mining away nonstop during your absence and we've amassed quite the stockpile. You there fetch me a sample

Megatron: Starscream

Starscream freezes as the camera pans over where a massive silver figure walks out emerging from the shadows. 

Megatron: Now that I've returned I will issue the commands 

Megatron: Now that I've returned I will issue the commands 

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Starscream: I understand Lord Megatron. Then as your humble servant, shall i ready the space bridge to ready your Decepticon Army that you've surely gathered during your three years in space

Megatron: My army will come. But my time away has yielded a more intriguing means of materializing them. A solidified form of the matter-

Megatron says as he pulls out a large glowing purple crystal from who the fuck knows where as the purple crystal starts to pulse slightly. 

Megatron: -That the ancient text refers to as the Blood of Unicron 

Starscream: Unicron the Destroyer. But it's said that his blood is the Antispark

Megatron: Plucked straight from cosmic shores....Dark Energon 

Starscream: Legend tells that it holds the power to...resurrect the dead  

Megatron: We require only a cadaver to be certain. Tell me Starscream...are you willing to make the ultimate sacrifice?

Starscream: *Nervous laughter* That may not be necessary. If i may lord Megatron

Starscream gestures to the lift as two Vehicon's push a large tray over with the corpse of Cliffjumper laying on it. 

Starscream: Consider it a "Welcome home" present 



Optimus: And since now you know of our existence i feel that as of last night the Decepticons now know of yours 

Y/N: So spot any strange Vehicles then dial 911. Got it. Can we go now?

Miko: Dude are you insane? I'm living a dream here in "Bot-swana". And i refuse to let you or anyone else shatter it!

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