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HARRY STARES at Sirius in shock. He had an sister? Who was a student at Hogwarts? She was a slytherin! He knew her? He had so many questions-

Hermione, his best friend, looked at Sirius with a confused face as she pets buckbeak"Is it that nova girl? The one in Fred and George's year?"She asks Harry's godfather, even though he has no clue who the twins are

Sirius looks at her"Yes"He smiles relieved as he stands up from being crouched infront of Harry. His daughter was okay"Is she okay?"He asks in concern. That's all he's wanted to know for years. If his daughter was okay.

Hermione nods slowly"Yes. I think"She adds on and sees worry come on Sirius' face making her continue speaking"But we don't speak to her that much!"She assured him"Because we thought she was just a normal student. Although of course, we knew she was daughter. Everyone did"

Sirius nods with a grin on his face as he releases a relieved breath.He then spins around and looks at Harry who was starting into space with a small smile on his face. He still had family. There was someone who could tell him stories of his parents if she remembered. He had family. He had family. He had family. Those words were repeating In his head

"Harry"Sirius rushes and crouches down infront of Harry as he puts a hand on his cheek, making him look at him"You need to speak to her. You need to tell her you know everything. She'll answer any questions you have. Oh, and when you go up to her, just say padfoot. She'll know what to do"

He tells harry, not waiting for a response before he speaks again"But I've got to go before you two get into trouble"He stands up

He walks over to buck beak who was being stroked by Hermione. The girl walks towards Harry who stood up and Sirius jumped on buckbeak while petting the creature. He then looks at Hermione with a smile"You really are the brightest witch of your age"

She gives him a smile back before in a second he's gone

Hermione turns to harry who had a grin on his face. He turns to Hermione"Hermione, I have family!"He exclaims with a huge smile

Hermione nods with a smile"Yeah"

"We need to go see her"Harry suddenly says as he begins walking in the direction of the slytherin common room"I need to see her"

He gets stopped by Hermione who runs infront of him"Wait! Harry, slow down."She chuckles softly"I know your excited-"

"Of course I'm excited! I've got family"He's never been more happy in his life

"I know. But can't you wait until the morning?"Hermione asks"She's probably asleep, along with all the others and besides, you can't even get into the common room"


"True"Harry shrugs"Fine. But first thing in the morning, we go to the great hall and eat and wait for her and when she comes we talk to her"

Hermione nods"Good for me"She smiles"Now, let's go to Ron. I'm sure he's lonely"

ITS THE NEXT day and Harry, Ron and Hermione were sat at the Gryffindor table. Harry and Ron were sat together opposite Hermione as they all eat. Well Harry wasn't, he was staring at the doors, waiting for phoenix to walk in

Ron stops eating halfway through a sausage when seeing where his best friend was looking. He takes the sausage out his mouth and nudges him"Hey, mate, relax. I'm sure she'll be out in a second"Harry and Hermione told him what happened last night and let's just say he was in shock

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