•Chpt 1 •

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MOLLY WEASLEY looks at the three friends who were sat on a sofa in the corner of the room, making some potions for class

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MOLLY WEASLEY looks at the three friends who were sat on a sofa in the corner of the room, making some potions for class. Or that's what she got told.

Phoenix holds up a glass jar which had a drink of butter beer."Thinks it looks good?"Her eyes scan the drink which was disguised as a beer but It actually wasn't. Drink it and you grow 5 times bigger than you already are

George looks up from his chocolates he was working on. He grins when seeing what the drink looks like"Wicked"He then hits Fred in the face, not taking his eyes off the jar"Hey, Freddie. Look at this"

Fred looks up from eating a chocolate -one that hasn't been used- and also grins when seeing how it looks"Brilliant. I'm gonna use that delicious stuff on snape"

"I'm gonna use it on chase"Phoenix tells them with a huge smile"We all know he's not smart enough-"


They all jump and hide all the stuff with their bodies considering they were suppose to be making a potion for professor snapes class when they go back. Phoenix gives molly a small smile"Hey Mrs Weasley"She tries to be extra polite so Mrs Weasley doesn't get suspicious

Fred and George both nod and give there mother their signature smile"Mother"They politely say so she doesn't check what behind their back considering they are suppose to be doing work

Molly gives them all a suspicious look before focusing on the girl"Phoenix dear, can you go wake up Ronald and Harry?"She asks kindly with a smile"Breakfast is ready"She gives the twins a smile before walking off back to the kitchen

Phoenix waits until she's gone before turning round to the twins who give her grins"This is perfect!"George exclaims

Phoenix gives him a huge smile back"I know!"She pushes Fred and George both to the side who pretend to be hurt and groan in pain

She looks for the chocolate with a smile but her smile drops when seeing none. Her head goes up but she doesn't look behind her"Fred, where the hell did you put the chocolate?"

Fred gets up from the floor as he pushes George back down"Oh, I ate it"He simply says

Phoenix turns around and looks at him in annoyance"Fred! I was gonna use it for Ron"She tells him before rolling her eyes and starts walking towards the stairs

"You can"Fred tells her furrowing his eyebrows, watching the girl pull her green hoodie, hood over her head. She can still use it, can't she?

George gets up and hits his twin across the back off the head"You ate all the chocolate, you tosspot"He insults his twin just as you hear phoenixs footsteps going upstairs

"Thank you, George!"They hear phoenix shout from the stairs behind the wall

"Your welcome!"

Phoenix rolls her eyes with a smile before she gets to the top of the stairs. She walks to the door of Harry's and rons room to see Hermione coming out of the room

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