• Chpt 2 •

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"HOLY FUCK" Phoenix mutters as she stands at the front of the tent inside it. Her eyes scan all of the different rooms in the tent and realise how small it is outside the tent and how big it is inside the tent

Harry nods in agreement from next to her."I love magic"He randomly says as he looks around the tent.Phoenix looks at him and laughs before nudging him and running towards Fred and George

They are both sat on either side of a table with their feet on it"Have a seat, Phoenix"Fred gestured to the seat next to him.

"I would love to"Phoenix smiles and throws her bag into the room she was sharing with Ginny and Hermione before running round the table and sitting in the chair which was in between the twins. She puts her feet in the table, just like the twins were.

Arthur walks past them but speaks up"Feet off the table"

"Feet off the table!"The three musketeers all exclaims at the same time as they put there feet down.

Phoenix waits for Arthur to walk away"Okay, he's gone"They all put there feet back on the table in sinc

"WHY THE HELL are we so high?"Phoenix exclaims as she looks down the railing they were on."We're about 9000 feet off the ground!"She exclaims

"Now, that's a bit dramatic"Hermione says to her with a small smile before looking at Ron who was holding onto the railing like his life depended on it

"Blimey, dad"Ron exclaims with a freaked up face as he walks up with Harry, only he was holding onto the railing, afraid he would fall
"How far up are we?"

"We'll put it this way..."

They all look down off the ledge they were on to see Draco Malfoy and Lucius Malfoy looking up at them. Both of them wearing all black

Phoenix walks next to Harry and looks over the edge, watching the two blondes smirk up at them

"If it rains, you'll be the first to know"Lucius tells them with a smirk

"Father and I are in the ministers box"Draco informs them with a smug smile"By personal invitation of Cornelius fudge himself"He adds on

"Did we ask?"Phoenix calls down to him as she rests her elbows on the railing. Draco scowls at her before turning time his father, only to get a stick into the stomach making him stumble back slighty

"Don't boast, draco"Lucius warns him before taking his stick back. He then looks up at the people looking down at him"There's no need with these people"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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