A Different Summer (Hermione's Version II)

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Hello. Welcome to this new chapter. English is not my native language, so I apologize if there are any linguistic errors (and if you have any suggestions for improvement, please let me know through a comment). Enjoy the read.


Hermione made sure the alley was still deserted before thawing Fred.

Fred! Can you tell me what you're doing here?

I'm glad to see you too, Hermione! One might think you're not grateful to know that my magnificent self is in charge of your safety this afternoon.

I can take care of myself!

You know it, I know it... But there's someone who's still putting all their effort into increasing your security.


No. More of a dolt and redhead.


Yes. Since you guys got back from Hogwarts, he's been arguing with the Order because he thinks the security they've assigned to his friends is insufficient.

Of course, he must be worried about Harry. He needs all the help he can get.

Well, interestingly, Ron says that you need more security, being a Muggle-born and all that...

Me? More security than Harry? I don't think so...

Neither does the Order. That's why Ron hasn't been able to convince them to give you a 24-hour escort. Don't take it the wrong way, Hermione, they have a protection plan for you and your family, but the manpower is too limited to follow you around all day. That's when Ron came to us. Since he can't Apparate, he tried to persuade me and George to watch over you without you realizing.

And what did you ask for in return?

Oh, you offend me, Hermione. You're our friend too.

Seriously now, what did you ask for?

For him to tell us exactly why he's so interested in having us protect you. The answer was... Wow. Someday I'll share that memory with you. But not yet. Let Ronnie tell you in his own way and when he's ready, sis. I'll just give you a hint that I'm never going to call Ron dumb again... Now I'll call him a love-struck fool. Oh, and that's not all, my friend. George and I are going to be the godparents of your second child! Ron promised us that! That baby is going to be very lucky!

Hermione blushed at these words. She wished she could charm Fred to extract that memory, but she wouldn't. For now, she'd settle for imagining that what Fred was hinting at was true. And then she decided to invite him for a meal.

Her parents were surprised to see the new guest, but they welcomed him at the table with a smile. Jane Granger was very interested in the wedding preparations, but Hugh was more interested in the guests. So he asked:

Are your brothers bringing their partners to the wedding, Fred?

Charlie is in love with his dragons. Percy, the git, won't come. George is involved with someone, but none of the brothers would think of bringing just anyone to a family wedding. It's one thing to go for a snack or a walk with a girl... But to bring her to a sibling's wedding... You only bring the one you're serious about. So, since Ginny and Harry are no longer together, all our hopes are on Ron.

Are you saying Ron already has a partner? - Hermione asked, feigning disinterest.

Don't play dumb, perfect prefect, it doesn't suit you. What I mean is, I hope Ron does the right thing this time and officially invites you to be his partner.

Well, that's what you think...

No, miss, you're mistaken. I witnessed him asking Bill for permission to bring you as his partner to the wedding.

And Fred crossed his arms proudly, looking at a blushing and happy Hermione. Her parents were also smiling at her.

The rest of the afternoon was fantastic. Hermione was in an excellent mood, went with Fred to have ice cream, and then invited him to the movies. It was Fred's first time, and he didn't want to miss anything.

The days passed quickly. Hermione appeared cheerful with her parents, but sadness crept in whenever she was alone. She was going to do something terrible, and she had no one to confide in. But she couldn't wait any longer. As much as she wanted to spend more time with her family, every day that passed put them in danger. So that night, she did it. Everything was ready; only the final spells needed to be activated. They had dinner joyfully, and Hermione declined to stay with her parents in the living room to watch a movie. What she did instead was remind them how amazing they had been as parents, thank them for everything they had done for her, and tell them how much she loved them. Her parents hugged her emotionally and also said lovely things: she was their reason for living, they couldn't love her more or be prouder than they were now. Hermione stepped back, touched, and they sat huddled on the sofa to watch the movie. From behind them, Hermione cast the first spell, her sobs muffled, performing Obliviate. Afterward, she implanted new memories in her parents: they had led a happy life together without children, and now they had decided to move to Australia to live. They were fulfilling their lifelong dream. Everything was arranged: Hermione had the plane tickets ready, and the house was already rented. Her parents would believe that all the arrangements had been made by them. Hermione also cast a highly complex spell that erased memories of Jane and Hugh from the minds of the Muggles: no neighbor, relative, or friend would wonder about their whereabouts. Finally, she enchanted the house, applying spells similar to those at Grimmauld Place. She also made every object that indicated Hermione Granger had lived there disappear. For their safety, she didn't even allow herself to take a photo of her parents.

She gave one last look at her home and, with one hand on her trunk and the other on her wand, Disapparated. In the next moment, she had arrived at her destination. She leaned against a tree to keep from falling and allowed herself to cry, sob, and even curse. She ended up exhausted and sat on the ground, hugging herself. Just then, she heard a small crack. A rustling sound made by a twig that someone had stepped on. Someone was approaching with a raised wand. Recognizing who it was, Hermione pounced on him. She had never felt such a strong desire to lose herself in Ron's arms before.

He gently pulled her away to look her up and down:

Hermione! What are you doing here alone and in the middle of the night? Are you crazy? - Seeing her tear-stained and pained face, he softened his tone - Are you hurt? Do you feel pain? Should I wake Mum?

No, Ron. Just hold me. Please.

He fell silent and embraced her. She continued crying. He didn't ask her anything; he knew she would explain everything when she was ready. Despite it being summer, he realized she was cold. When he saw her become a bit calmer, he took her hand and led her into his house, to the living room. He sat in a corner of the sofa and let her lie down on him, resting her head on his lap. She kept crying. He stroked her hair until he felt she had fallen asleep. Then he repositioned her for more comfort, and while still holding her, he closed his eyes.

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