☆Sick☆ //Megumi ☁️

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Two days ago, Megumi had gotten a pretty serious cold from training outside in the rain on his own, despite everyone's warnings and worries, and now he's stuck in his bed, not being able to attend any of his classes nor missions. It serves him right for being so stubborn. It wouldn't have hurt him to stay in doors just for a day, but no, he will live his life according to his decision, no matter what the consequences are.

However, that's not what's bothering him. You'd think he's upset that he's not able to tag along with the rest of the first years or because he's completely isolated from everyone unless someone comes by his dorm to check on him. That didn't seem to be the case, though. He actually made a fuss about not being able to be around you all day, not being able to hold and cuddle you in his arms, or even just be near you. It wasn't your fault, obviously it would be the right choice to distance yourself from someone who's ill, and even Megumi couldn't argue against that. He himself had told you not to get close to him; he wouldn't be able to bear the burden of passing on his cold to you.

Megumi isn't the best at communicating his feelings with anyone, so he shows it through physical acts, like gifting you small things when he feels appreciated or joyful, or clingy when he wants something or is upset and needs comfort. But him being sick, it means that he is struggling to express himself regardless of his efforts. And today, he seemed to be a bit more moody than usual.

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