☆Smell good pt.1☆//Mahito☁️

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It's a Sunday evening, and you've just arrived home from a long day after your shift at the small café you work at to support your home and college tuitions. You lock the door behind you and shake your shoes off your feet as you make your way into your bedroom. However, life literally flashed before your eyes when you suddenly felt someone jump on you, embracing you in a tight hug. You jump up in fear trying to get whoever had broken into your house off of you, but their grip only tightened. After a few seconds, you realise it's only your silly boyfriend who had practically just attacked you and calmed yourself down before you make him face you. Holding onto his face with both hands, you yell at him about how he scared you to death and what a psycho he is for doing that. Honestly, you've had enough of his ruthless 'surprises', which is him breaking into your apartment, and you having no clue how he does it! It's not like you have spare keys around the house, and he probably stole one, but even then, he'd tell you, right? Whatever, you just sigh in defeat because all the lectures you give him never seem to have an effect on him. He is always so cheerful and doesn't have a care in the world about anything, and you admire him for that. It's also one of the reasons you fell for him.

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