☆Smell good pt.2☆//Mahito🔥

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Laying in bed, you're wondering why you still bother with this bratty toddler stuch in a man's body. Mahito literally makes you want to scream and pull your hair out in agony, but somehow, you are always able to manage in the end; and you wonder where all that patience randomly fills you. But today, it seems like even that couldn't save you. Closing your eyes, you let yourself flop onto the bed, but luck is basically your sworn enemy, and not even a minute later, your boyfriend was present in the same room as you. He didn't say a word to you, only walked up to the bed and leaned over you to see if you were asleep already. Little droplets fall onto your face, and you squeeze your eyelids shut, then try to open them to see where they were coming from. It's coming from Mahito's soaking hair hanging above you. You get up, leaning extremely close to your partner's face. He briskly got up, enhancing the distance between the two of you. He seemed pretty down for someone who is always in a buoyant mood. Maybe you had gone a little too far, but Mahito has to understand that people have their limits too, and he couldn't just go past it without giving two fucks

You were just about to say something when Mahito cut you off by apologising, "I didn't know you'd actually get this mad at me, please forgive me," he says with his head low, not daring to look at you.

You exhale audibly in response as you ask him the following questions,"Did you end up scrubbing your legs, butt and stomach? Did you also rinse the conditioner off your hair? And did you drain the bath water?," which he all replied with a simple nod or yes.

You then signal your boyfriend to sit beside you on the bed, which he did. Getting up, you place yourself onto his lap and press your body against his, wrapping your arms around the completely flustered male. Mahito did not expect you to just plop on his lap like nothing had happened earlier from such a small apology; the power he thinks he holds. But you're obviously not letting any of that go unpunished.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2023 ⏰

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