Chapter Thirteen

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The Alor Protector

The Alor Protector

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Family is found...whether it be blood or circumstance or choice, what binds us does not matter. All that matters is that we are bound

-Taylor Jenkins Reid

Emma and Jordan sat in the backseat of Sienna's car. Emma's head rested on Jordan's shoulder as their hands were intertwined. The moment was peaceful compared to the last few days they've been through. Jordan looked down at Emma as she hummed along to the radio. She wasn't angry or sad like she was at the school, she seemed happy and calm as her thumb caressed the back of his palm.

Emma wanted to stay like this. No impending doom, no resurrected family members. Just her and Jordan. "We're here" Sienna spoke up as they pulled up to the Farm. Emma took a deep breath as she unbuckled her seatbelt. Conner was waiting on the porch, talking with Sam as she exited.

Sam, for the first time since meeting the girl, gave her a smile. A sympathetic smile at that. Everyone sat in the dining room, Emma the only one standing as she refused to sit by her brother. "What is this Eradicator?" Sam asked, alien technology confusing him. "Depends" Emma answered, shrugging her shoulders.

Everyone but Conner looked at her weirdly. "On what?" Sam asked, hoping Emma would elaborate. " version of the eradicator is when Clark dies, it's actually like an intergalactic nanny. Takes Clark from Superman's public grave and brings him to the Fortress so he can be...revived? Anyways... the eradicator basically eradicates any threat to Clark while during the process" Emma explains the reign of the supermen storyline.

Clark looked at Emma in disbelief, "I'm sorry...I die?" he asks Emma. Emma's face turns red, "'s super shitty on Lois' end but it doesn't matter" Emma brushed off, seeing Conner smirk at her. "Yeah... Emma doesn't like that storyline. Cried, wrote a song and continued on" Conner commented only for Emma to glare at him. "The other is the one we have now, the device. It was made by Lara to help keep Krypton alive, like the sunstone crystals. She never intended it to be a weapon" Emma moved on forward, ignoring her brother's comment.

Lois nodded, "Did they say anything about it to you?" she asked Emma. Emma bit her lip, "No, nothing like that..." she trailed off. Clark could see she was holding back, "But?". Emma fiddled with her fingers... "When Mal showed up...Tal he seemed almost concerned about me? It was kinda unnerving" Emma explained, crossing her arms. Everyone was shocked, Morgan Edge cared about her. "What do you mean?" Sienna questioned her.

Emma began walking around the table, "He had this wasn't like before... during town meetings or when I was in his office. It was genuine and Mal didn't like it...she did something" Emma tried to explain properly but it was coming and going every time she got the words out. "It's okay Emma, you lost a lot of blood" Jordan tried to reassure her.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2023 ⏰

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