Chapter Six

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I Hate The Way

'Because my love for you is higher than words, I've decided to fall silent'

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'Because my love for you is higher than words, I've decided to fall silent'

-Khali Gribran

Emma took out her earphones as Sienna stopped the car. It had been two weeks since she found out her mother was Kryptonian. After being stabbed with some fucked up kryptonite.

After Jordan kissed her and she lied straight to his face about her feelings.

She spent the last two weeks with Sienna. Her pod was manufactured like the fortress, only without an A.I. She felt like a lab rat for three days, waiting for results and then controlling her powers to her utmost ability.

Since then, Sienna had tried to be there. Buying her clothes, giving her a room to stay in and even buying her a new phone and laptop. Emma felt kinda uncomfortable at the kindness like she was being selfish or demanding like a child.

"Maybe I should go back after Harvest Fest" Emma suggested, looking at her newfound family member. Sienna gave her a deadpanned look, eyebrow raised in all. "This wouldn't be about a certain boy?" She asked, seeing Clark's truck pull up from behind Emma.

Emma felt her heart racing in fear when she saw Sienna's face change. She turned her head to see the red truck. Quickly she turned back to Sienna with the most innocent-looking eyes ever. "I'm begging you, Sienna, can't I just come back on Monday, please" Emma pleaded with her.

Sienna shook her head at the girl. "No, you keep running from the fact that Jordan likes you" Sienna reminded her, causing Emma to huff against her car seat. "Yeah, but he is supposed to like Sarah. I can't just stand in the way of that" Emma explained for what felt like the millionth time. "For the girl who believes in the multiverse, you sure have a hard time expecting that maybe...just maybe, Jordan might be destined to like you" Sienna suggested before leaving the car.

Emma only sighed, putting in both her earphones. No one should be destined to be with her.


Jordan closed his locker shut. He looked around him, hoping to see Emma. He knew that her words were lies that night. Emma never stuttered when she told the truth. He knew her well enough at this point to know that much.

He wanted to talk to her, so badly. She hadn't been in school for two weeks and he was super worried about her. Did she hate him? He hoped she didn't.

Jordan was so caught up in his thoughts he didn't notice his brother running up to him. "Jordan!" He exclaimed, grabbing his shoulder. Jordan took a moment before looking at his twin brother. "What?" Jordan asked him with a tired tone.

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