Chapter Thirteen

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"Hey Cory, it's finished. All of the spirits have been sent back." Lily said, a little bit tired.

"That's good, say your goodbyes then get back here as soon as possible. The Kingdom has made a serious move. Your town has been invaded and a large number have been sent off to labor camps. The whole kingdom is currently at war with the mercenaries and they're using civilians to make the materials." Cory told her, relieved that the spirits were gone, but anxious for what would come next.

"I'll get there as soon as I can." Lily replied, determined.

She flew at incredible speed and made her way back to the city. She landed at the convenience store and quickly transformed out of her Reaper attire. She walked into the manager's office and spoke to Katherine.

"Where have you been? You said you were using the bathroom but hours later you still weren't back. I tried calling you but you wouldn't answer. I've been worried sick." Katherine told Lily, concerned.

"Sorry, I used the bathroom then I went outside to take a breather. I was arrested by a cop who thought I was acting suspicious. And since I didn't have my identification he took me in. Listen, I've got a trip that I have to leave for today. And I won't be back for a while." Lily said, not expecting her to buy that excuse.

"What do you mean? You never told me about this yesterday. This is so sudden." Katherine said.

"I meant to tell you over dinner, but well you know what happened." Lily said.

"Oh, well make sure to call me over the trip, when do you have to leave?" Katherine asked.

"Right now actually, I wanted to stop by here to tell you before I left." Lily replied.

"Then you better get going, just make sure to call me. And when you get back we'll be waiting." Katherine responded.

"I'll be counting on it. Bye Katherine, I appreciate what you've done for me." Lily said, a little bit saddened that they wouldn't see each other for a while.

Lily walked outside and into an alley. She told Cory she was ready and a gate appeared in front of her. She walked through and found herself back at headquarters. Cory was next to the interface.

Cory briefed her on the situation. While she was gone, The Kingdom had officially declared war on the Mercenaries. This was simply an excuse, though. The Kingdom should have no problem dealing with the Mercenaries with the resources they have. They were simply using it to justify sending citizens to labor camps to make materials. From what Cory had gathered they were going to use these materials to organize an all-out assault on the entire continent. They were going to declare war on every country in the whole continent. And with the resources they would soon gain, they would most likely be able to win. The Reaper Association and the military were working together on this.

Cory led Lily to their base of operations. It was in the capitol, inside the sewers. Cory had dug out a space big enough to house them, and for them to plan. Lily walked inside and saw two people she didn't recognize.

"Who are they?" Lily asked Cory.

"They are some old friends. You didn't think I was doing nothing while you were gone did you? I've got a plan. The only thing missing was you. Now that you're here we can start. Before that though, you need to get to know each other. You two introduce yourselves." Cory said.

"Hello, my name is Juan Bismun. Although, just call me Juan. I was in Squad Q, better known as the Execution Squad. We were known for efficient work. It's a pleasure to meet you, Lily." Juan said, trying to act calm. Juan had heard stories about Lily from his childhood.

"Hey, my name is Caroline Mercum. I used to be a mercenary. I didn't do it by choice, but Cory called me for the skill that I had gained and I couldn't say no. It's great to meet you." Caroline told Lily, shaking hands with her.

"With all the introductions out of the way it's time to get down to business." Cory said to all three of them. "We're going to bring The Kingdom to its knees. Now that all four of us are here we can get this started."

"Before that happens, I need to say hello to Kiro!" Lily told Cory.

"Of course, he's right over here." Cory said, a little bit annoyed.

Lily would make them pay for what they had done. She knew it wouldn't be easy, but despite that she would make them regret their actions, one way or another.

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