Brooms and Grooms pt.1

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So! Before we start I'm gonna tell you some dramaaaaa! So one of my friends we are going to call her Twinkle Toes, got her crush spread around the school so everybody in every grade, period, class, and even teachers know (Probably even the rats in the wall :>) and she asked her friend Josiah (I don't care about saying this LITTLE LYING BITCHES name) if he told everybody about it and he said "No it was (we are gonna call my other friend emo giraffe) Emo Giraffe" BUT SHE GOES TO A WHOLE DIFFERENT SCHOOL THAN US RN BECAUSE SHE WAS FORCED BY HER MOM TO GO THERE and now Twinkle Toes won't talk to Emo Giraffe and she said she hates her and wishes she would die, which she needs to be careful about who she says that too because luckily Emo Giraffe is not sewerslidal but she used to be until I got her help. So ya also all of my friends dumped Emo Giraffe for it (and I'm like ITS A GOD DAMN CRUSH AND YOU ARE GOING TO GET MAD ABOUT IT AND COMPLETELY GHOST AND SHAME HER ABOUT IT EVEN THOUGH SHE DID NOTHING) Okay that's all!

(Since I'm tired) The Hashira finished eating...

"Hey Tomioka do you want to come with me too get Senjuro something?" Rengoku asked (Loudly) "Sure" "Alright bye everybody!" Everybody gave Rengoku death glares, "Bye" All the Hashira said. They started walking down the street and finally stopped at a shop, " I need to get Senjuro a new broom!" "Alright, lets go in then" they walked into the shop. "Hmmmm" Rengoku scanned the shelves, "How about this one?", Tomioka pointed out a broom with a steel handle. " Yes that should work!" (This is not in this story but the broom would later on be used to smack Akaza).  

After they were done shopping... 

They started walking back to Rengoku's house as he invited Giyuu to come and visit Senjuro, (ALSO I FORGOT TO ADD SENJURO IN THE SECOND AND FORTH CHAPTER SO I HAD TO GO BACK AND PUT HIS NAME I'M SO SORRY MY BABY) "Ah, that reminds me would you like to come to one of my distant relatives weddings with me tomorrow, they said I could bring a guest or two along!" "I don't believe I am busy that day sure, is Uzui coming to?" "Um, no he has a important mission that day!" 'I'd just rather not have Uzui flirting with Giyuu the whole time'. "Oh look we are here!" "Hello Aniki welcome back!", "Oh hello Senjuro I got you a new broom since your other one got trampled." (It was by Inosuke, for some reason he thought it was a snake?) "And look who I brought home!", "Dad hello!" "Hello Senjuro" "I'm going to go to bed now I've been up since sunrise cleaning goodnight!" "Goodnight!" Tomioka and Rengoku said in unison. 'Just then I remembered it, I didn't have anything formal to wear to the wedding'. Giyuu leaned over to Rengoku's side and whispered into his ear, "Can we speak privately" (Tomioka wanted to speak privately because there were some servants outside of the mansion talking and setting clothes out so they could dry, they were also there because it would take two days and nights at the least to get to get to the wedding attend it then spend the night at a nearby inn then go back to the mansion since the wedding was taking place far away and to Tomioka it was embarrassing to talk about it around a bunch of people). Rengoku blushed madly at this but quickly calmed down trying not to weird Tomioka out, "Of course". 

So they walked inside to Rengoku's room,

 "I-I don't have anything nice or formal to wear for the wedding..." 'So that's what he wanted to say, he seems embarrassed about it' "It's alright Tomioka you can just borrow something of mine!" "Really?" "Of course just remember to be here tomorrow by at least seven so you have enough time to get ready, I'll set the kimono on one of the tables Senjuro is usually up by then so I'll tell him to show you where it is!" "Also pack a bag of the essentials you need for a night or two!" "Alright bye Rengoku see you tomorrow" "Goodbye!".

(The Next Day)

'I know Tomioka is already here because I heard him come in a while ago I should probably get up now' Knock Knock. "Who is it?" "It's me Tomioka I am ready" "Hold on I'll get the door in a second!" 'I am not ready for this I have horrible bed hair and I probably look like a half awake slob right now'. Rengoku opened the door to see a beatiful jaw-dropping sight, Tomioka had on his white kimono with gold lacing and around his eyes had a light hazel-brown shading while his lips were shiny and pink. "I-I have to um, g-get ready real quick I'll be right out!". 'He was so beautiful'.

And that is where I am ending part one because it is 11:29 pm and I am tired, I hope it was long enough and sorry to Goatgoncry for saying it that I was going to publish it yesterday, I hope I didn't get your hopes up but I got home from Volleyball later than expected and didn't have time after that. 

(Authors Notes)

Author doesn't know what they are doing with their life

Author also hopes you take good care of yourself and wants you to know that they care about you!

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