Chapter 1: Nico

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  • Dedicated to Everyone who actually reads my story! Y'all are amazing!

Chapter 1

Warning: my writing WILL have explicit language such as cursing, so, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED

DISCLAIMER: I do not own anything, they belong to Rick Riordan, but I enjoy inviting them out to play once in a while.

Oh, and this contains many spoilers to House of Hades, you have been warned, lol.

Hey guys, I know it's been AGES since you last heard from me, but don't worry, I'm alive and well. AND I've decided to change most of the story, don't worry the plot remains the same, I'm just changing the details because I've just read THE HOUSE OF HADES. AND IT WAS ABSOLUTELY AMAZING, OKAY. Please excuse my fangirling, and let's get on with the show!

Enjoy. 😊


Chapter 1: Nico

I was in the middle of exchanging battle strategies with a dead Ukrainian soldier when Chiron's iris-message appeared.

The bright light illuminated the lonely field where I had summoned the spirits of dead. The corpse-like soldiers hissed at the light and with a nod of my approval, they rotted back into the grassy plain.

"Nico? Nico? Can you hear me?" Chiron's rich voice sounded through the rainbow. I squinted at the light and tried to make out Chiron's face. Once my eyes adjusted to the brightness, I saw that Chiron was sitting in his wheelchair by the big house and I could hear the faint sound of a Michael Buble record. Well, Chiron's taste in music had definitely improved.

"Yes, I can hear you Chiron," I announced in my clearest voice since I wasn't sure how good the reception was.

"Good, good. How have you been lately, Nico?" Chiron asked conversationally. I rolled my eyes indicating him to quit the bullshit, or centaur-shit in this case.

"What do you really want Chiron? You wouldn't dare disturb my 'trip' if you didn't have anything important to tell me," my tone was hostile yet respectful. After we defeated Gaea last summer, I did what I promised, I disappeared. I hated the feeling of being weakling like I was after I was rescued from the jar. So, I visited battle fields all around the world and inquired battle history and knowledge from the soldiers of that war. After what I learned in this last year, there is no way a mere giant can lock me up in a jar again. I made the gods promise to leave me be unless there was something extremely important.

"Well, you were always straight forward, Nico," Chiron heaved a sigh,"I need you to come back to camp Nico. The gods have decided that they owe the world, quite literally, to you, the oracle, the seven of the prophecy, and many others, and they want to repay you for your contribution in saving our world. They have decided to give you and a few others the opportunity of living as a normal, or err, mortal teenager, they -" I cut Chiron off.

"Living as a normal teenager? What part of me, Percy, Jason, Leo, and the others have convinced you dunderheads that we could be remotely classified as normal!? None! We are not normal and may never be! After all the work we've done for their sorry asses, they decide to toss us into the side and give us a mortal life to repay for all the trauma that their precious immortal life have caused us! And when things have finally settled down! When we are finally accepting the insanity of this world and then you give us all these false hope of living as a mortal teenager! Are they insane! Have they lost their minds!" I ranted off outrageously. I heard Chiron's faint sigh of agreement.

"Yes, Nico, I understand that, but the gods feel like they owe you heroes too much," he stared at me with remorse in his eyes, "and since none of you fancy immortality, Zeus decided to gift you the opposite, mortality. Of course, you heroes may never be truly mortal, but dear old Zeus is giving you a chance to experience a few years where no monsters will come after you, no Olympus responsibilities on your shoulders, think of it as a vacation of some sorts." I lifted two fingers to my temple as if it'll stop my migraine.

"Fine, but how are they going to give us a 'normal' teenage life?" I scrutinized Chiron through a rainbow.

Chiron chuckled, "Well, Nico, they're going to send you off to HighSchool."

"HighSchool!?" I asked disbelievingly. I thought about it. No more empousai chasing after my blood. No more ghosts trying to bewitch me to complete their lifetime goals. No more soul trafficking for Hades, the old goat. Hmm, that doesn't sound that bad.

I heaved a sigh, "Fine, you've convinced me, but first you need to get Percy and the others approval." I smiled mischievously, good luck with that.

Chiron smirked, he actually smirked, "Already done with, you were the last demigod we needed. Now, I need you to come back to camp so we can discuss the details of your incentive." I gaped at Chiron. No way, there was absolutely no way they could have agreed. They had so much to hold onto at camp. It was easy for me since I was a loner of a sorts, but how about someone like, Leo? He would most definitely miss all the magical tools and gears available at camp, and I doubt they would allow Leo going to school with that explosive arichmedes sphere.

"Everyone agreed?" I asked skeptically, "even Leo? I mean, wouldn't he miss all his little toys?"

Chiron smiled,"Actually, Leo was the first to agree." Traitor.

"Fine, when do I need to be at camp?" I mumbled. I kicked the dewy grass beneath my feet. As much as I hate saying this, I'm going to miss all the dead people I got to visit on this trip.

"Right now would be perfect," Chiron replied. I groaned. I had to shadow travel again. Not fun at all, but I nodded nonetheless.

"Alright, I'll be on my way," I grumbled as I took my Stygian iron dagger and sliced through the iris message. It was dark again and it took me a few seconds to adjust. I sat down on the dewy grass as I gazed at the stars, not caring if my pants got wet. These are leather anyways. I reached in my jacket pocket and my fingers met with a tiny figurine. It was of Hades. I remember when he gave this to me years ago, that was also the day he told me Bianca had died, just for this stupid figurine. I clenched it in my fist, ignoring the pain as the figurine dug into my skin.

Going back to Camp Halfblood, that means I'm going to have to face all the problem I was hiding from in the first place.

And I'll have to face him again,



Okay, I know you may hate me for changing the whole chapter, but I promise that the plot will remain the same, I'm just changing the details so it makes sense when you read the HOUSE OF HADES. Anyways, I am very happy with this chapter, please excuse the grammar mistakes. This chapter may not make any sense with the next chapter because I haven't edited that yet. But tell me what you think!

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