Chapter 7: Holiday Season

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Gina's POV
"Hey, Gi Want a ride home?"

"That would be great, Ricky. But I do have to tell you something."

"What's up?" He closes his door.

"Jamie...he's coming home tomorrow. Turns out he didn't tell Mom or me. He told Nini. But, things will probably be busy...and confusing tomorrow, so I guess I'll see you the day after Christmas, at your party?"

"Yeah. Can we still FaceTime?"

"Anytime that you have time for my face, yes."

"Goodnight, Gina."

"Bye bye, Ricky."

•••the next day•••

"Gina! He's here!" My mom calls me down the stairs from the attic.


"Hey, Gigi. How are you?"

"I'm-I'm fine." I walked back up the stairs, wiping my nose with the back of my hand.

I didn't realize how hard it would be for me to see him again. Then I remembered, he ruined my whole first date after Beauty and the Beast with EJ! He told him that I thought of him as a big brother figure.

By now I would be on the phone with Ash or Kourtney, but I didn't want to be a burden on their Christmas Eve.

Ding ding

R: Hey, sweetheart! How're things at home?

G: Everything's great! Jamie just arrived a few minutes ago.

R: oh good! You're all getting along???

G: yeah, Ricky, I've gotta go!

R: I ❤️ you

G: I love you too Ricky

•••at dinner•••

"So, Gina? I saw the trailer for High School Musical 4 and Mom told me about Romeo and Juliet! That's great for publicity and for money, Gina."

"That's not what it's all about Jamie, I like doing this."

"I heard about...your boyfriend too, Gigi."

"Ricky? Yeah, we've been dating for about five months now."


"Yep." I popped the P, looking at my brother awkwardly.

I looked around the house full, yet empty. I was with my mom and brother, but it felt like I barely knew them.

"Umm, thanks for the dinner Mommy. I think I'm gonna head up." I pushed in my chair and started to bring my dishes over to sink.

"Gina. I know you're gonna call Ricky. You don't need to keep it to yourself anymore." Mom said.

•••Ricky's POV•••

I heard a ringtone on my phone in my bedroom that was assigned to only one person. Gina.

"Hey, my no-longer-secret-sweetheart." I said.

"Hey, Ricky." She smiled faintly, laying back on her bed.

"Well you look exhausted."

"Hmm...maybe cause I am?" She laughed. "But I felt like I should call."

"I should let you get to sleep. I'll call you tomorrow, okay?" I blew her a kiss.

"Merry Christmas, Richard Bowen."

"Merry Christmas, Gina Porter."

•••two days later, at Ricky's•••

Knock knock

Ashlyn, Maddox, Nini, and Jet were already at my house. We were just waiting for Gina, Kourtney, and Big Red.

"Sorry, sorry, ya'll." Kourtney stepped in.

"We got tied up at Slices, but we're here now." Big Red said.

"That's okay, guys. Somebody's still not here..."

"Gina? We know. We saw her down the road walking here. She was talking on the phone with someone, so we didn't stop." Kourtney explained.

It's the day after Christmas, if it's Quinn, I'm gonna be so annoyed.

"Hey, guys." Gina stepped in out of breath, we locked eyes, but Nini and Ashlyn reached her before I could ask her what was going on.

"I love you." She mouthed, blowing me a kiss.

•••later that day•••

"Thanks for coming, see you all back at school!"

"Ricky." It was Gina.

"What's up, Cutie?" I pinched her cheek playfully.

"I wanted to give you something-"

"Nice outfit." I blurted, looking at the baggy hoodie of mine.

"Thanks. The person who gave it to me didn't know then that it was a gift, but now they do." She said.

"Well, I'm sure they'd be thrilled to see their favorite girl in their hoodie."

"Mmm." She raised an eyebrow.

"Now you said you wanted to give me something?"

"I have your Christmas gift, Ricky."

"Oh. You didn't have to do that."

"Yes I did, Ricky. I'm your...your girlfriend."

"Alright. What do we got?"

"Here." She passed me the small box. "I know it's not a lot, but Mom refused to let me-"

"Hey, Gi? It's okay."

"Okay, go ahead, open it."

I carefully opened the lid, and inside saw a chain with a charm on it. I smiled and looked up at her.

I love you

"I know it's really, really small, but I figured-"

"It's perfect."

"There's one more thing, Ricky."

"A photo album?" I asked, as she passed me the book.

"I put in a few photos of us. I figured it could grow with us." She grabbed both of my hands and kissed them with her own hands around them.

She then grabbed the necklace and put it around my neck.

"I do, Ricky Bowen, I love you."

"Well, guess I'll continue to be a guy who wears necklaces."

"Mmm." She smiled.

"Gi? I love you too."

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