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Hi there, Little One! Welcome to my story/handbook: Ace's Little Space!

Chances are, you are new to my works–as this is my first Agere book I have posted. (And I haven't been active on this site in ages, lol. But I'm making a comeback) Anyway, allow me to introduce myself!

My name is Ace (she/her), your local internet author and part time Age Regressor! I decided to combine these two hobbies and create this book as a way to connect with the Agere Community and to help others with their Little Space endeavors. I hope to cover a wide array of topics–from tips to DIYs, for you, my reader, to enjoy. And, if there is any particular subject you'd like to hear about, then I am taking requests–simply comment or DM and I will get back to you ASAP!

I'd like to remind you all that this is a SWF space. If you are looking for NSFW chats and activities, then please find a more adequate book to interact with. Any sexualization of Age Regression will result in a block, mute, and report.

That being said, we should probably review some Agere basics, in case you are new to the community, here to educate yourself, or to explain those confused by the above warning.

Age Regression VS Age Play

Age Regression is a coping mechanism formed by the brain, which involves falling into a younger mindset as a form of dealing with stress. It is SWF, and can be voluntary or involuntary depending on the person. With Age Regression, the regressor truly feels like a child, and often needs some amount of caregiving because of this.

Age Play is NSFW, or a kink. In Age Play, those involved partake as a form of role playing for certain adult activities. This is sometimes referred to as ABDL, DDLG, DDLB, MDLG, MDLB etc. Those involved do not actually fall into the mindset of a child or share their needs.

Age Regression is NOT Age Play

What causes Age Regression? Why does it happen, instead of other coping mechanisms?

There are a large number of causes of Age Regression, so here are just a few!


Whether the stress in question is caused by PTSD or difficult day-to-day livelihood, both are valid reasons. Because the brain associates childhood with safety, happiness, and simpleness, those who experience overwhelming stress may find themselves slipping into a smaller headspace as an escape.

Dissociative Disorders

For example, those with DID, sometimes have an alter that is a Little. Their regression is often involuntary.

Transgender/genderqueer people

Age regression is a way to revisit childhood with their new gender identity. A large number of the Agere community are genderqueer, partially because of this.

For fun

Sometimes people adopt Age Regression as a habit, hobby, passtime, or escape. Their regression is more likely to be voluntary, but they are still valid! Oftentimes, they simply still enjoy childlike behaviors and indulge in them, as they find them comforting and enjoyable in contrast to more adult targeted activities. Those who regress for fun are sometimes called Age Dreamers.

There are many other reasons a person might find themselves in Little Space, but no matter what causes it, they are a valid and valued member of the community!

To what age do Littles regress to?

Littles can regress to any age younger than their true, bodily age. Most regressors have an age range they usually fall into, some wider than others. For example, some Littles may be between 0-3 years, while others like myself fall between 5-11.

Are Regressors always in "Little Space"?

Nope! Age regression can last any amount of time, from only a few minutes of childlike behavior and excitement, to a full day of it. However, there is still time that regressors are in their "big headspace," time that we function and behave as adults without help. The amount of time spent in Little Space varies from person to person, and is affected by several factors. Examples include whether the regression is voluntary or involuntary, causes of regression, the external environment, etc.


Age Regression: A coping mechanism formed by the brain, which involves falling into a younger mindset as a form of dealing with stress. It is SWF, and can be voluntary or involuntary. The regressor truly feels like a child, and often needs some amount of caregiving because of this. It can affect any age and gender. Called Agere for short.

Little: Another term for an Age Regressor. The term is applied to almost all members of the Agere community, including Flips and Dreamers, no matter their age, gender, triggers, and other factors.

Caregiver: A person who cares for an Age Regressor while they are in Little Space. Their role is to provide the parental/guardian oversight that children need–as regressors often lack such support otherwise. The relationship between a Caregiver and their Regressor can be romantic, platonic, mono, poly, etc. CG for short.

Flip: A person who is both a Regressor and Caregiver, either at the same or separate times. They are also known as Switches.

Age Dreamer: A Regressor who voluntarily enters the childlike headspace and activities, but is aware that they are an adult with adult feelings and responsibilities. Often Dreamers use Little Space for fun or as anxiety relief.

Well, friends, that's all for the intro! If you have any questions or requests, then I'd be happy to answer them, so feel free to leave a comment or DM! I hope we have fun together, and so long for now!

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