Chapter 14

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Is it possible to go through withdrawal with people? I mean seriously, i haven't seen Zara in weeks. We have barely spent any time apart since we got together and even worse? She's spending my birthday in England. Her trip got extended and she's working so much that we've only been able to call early mornings and a few minutes at night her time so I wake up at 3 am and call her (it's around 8 am for her). She always insists that I go back to bed, but, she never hangs up on me so I think she secretly likes that I do this every morning. Then at night which is usually around 6 pm for me, she calls me and we talk about our days. I've finished all my Finals, atleast passing all my classes. It's weird, I haven't seen Naomi in class at all. Ever since what happened she's completely disappeared. Or atleast avoiding me. Kind of grateful actually. I know it's kind of mean but she was really annoying me and freaking me out at the end.

The ringing of my phone upstairs draws me out of my trance and i turn off the water from the kitchen sink and dry my hands before I sprint up the stairs. I looked frantically around the bed in Zara's room which hasn't been made yet and find it in the sheets.

"Hello?" I answer looking at the clock and seeing it's 6:30 already.

"Hi princess." Zara's voice chimed. "What are you up to tonight?"

"Mmm... I don't know, I'm really bored. James hasn't been around so I'm also very lonely." I admit.

"I can ask Jas to come see you, do you want me to do that?" She asked.

" you can, but, i just really miss you." I pout.

"I know, I'm sorry. It's one more week babe. I know I'm missing your birthday, but, I'll make up for it I promise, babe."

"I get it, love. Don't worry. work is work."

"I'm still gonna call Jas and have her spend the night." she lays back in the bed covers herself with the hotel blanket.

"Okay," I shrugged, "How about you though, how was your day?"

"Busy." she sighed. "I can't wait to go home. I told my agent after this I need a long break which I'm hoping you'll be taking with me."

"Of course! What were you thinking?" I asked.

"It's a surprise" she winked. "All I'm gonna say is, we'll be out of town for atleast two weeks, maybe longer since you're out of classes for they year."

"intriguing." I nodded.

"I'll plan everything, don't worry about a thing except packing your things. I'm gonna go to bed, but, I'll call Jas and ask her to come stay with you the night."

We say our goodbyes and a little battle of 'I love you' and 'I love you more', but, its kind of cringy i hate to repeat it. I went back down to finish up some chores and get the house ready for Jas. I looked through the cabinets and made sure we had her favorite chips as that's been one of the only thing she's been able to sit down and eat for like a week. I went grocery shopping last week at the local asian grocery store and got these honey chips that she downed the night I got them. Now she's obsessed. I made sure to go back yesterday and remembered to get some more when I grabbed more groceries for Zara's return. I wanted to cook her a nice meal that Desirae taught me a few days ago. Interning with her has been harder than it should be.

After all the commotion from before, she's only agreed to let me work with her at her house, discreetly. Meaning no paparazzi, no relationship drama, and no one showing up to her house unannounced. I'm just lucky she's been so understanding. The whole point of the internship was to work at her restaurant and help manage it while she deals with her own things and that's the only way I'll be able to do this. As time goes by, the publicity from our relationship will fade and I'll be able to operate it more professionally, but, for now.

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