You sigh.

"You hate it, don't you." You ask, deflated.

"What? No, of course not! This is incredible! It's actually kind of creepy." She replies enthusiastically, staring deeply into the drawing.

"How is it creepy?" You question.
"Well it... It looks almost like real life! You're incredible!" She replies.

You blush.
"Thanks, I guess." You say, looking down at the floor.

"Why do you guess? Have you never been complimented before?" She says jokingly.

"Actually no, not really..." You mutter as your face returns to it's normal dreary state.

"Oh," She says quietly. "Sorry about that."

"Don't worry. Thanks. It means a lot," you reply with the most legit smile you can muster.

"You should smile more often, you know. It's cute," she says sweetly to you. You just smile at her.

"God knows I try." You reply.

The bell rings. Everybody gets herded out the door like a flock of sheep. As you walk down the hallway, Nepeta runs up to you.

"Hey, when is your lunch period?" Nepeta asks.

"11:30, I think." You reply.

"Cool. See you then!" She says excitedly as she runs off to her next class.

You turn back towards the hallway and continue to walk to your class. You smile a bit. Maybe this is what you needed.

"Thup, athole?" Sollux says with his usual snarky tone when you enter the computer lab. You sit beside him.

"The usual." You reply, a bit of snark in your voice as well.

"Come ooonn KK, you know i'm jutht thitting around with you."

"Yes, the usual." You say again.

"Leavve the wwanker alone, wwould ye, Sollux?" You hear a familar annoying british voice exclaim.

"Ah, thut up, Eridan" Sollux yells right back.

Your relationship with Sollux is, well, a strange one to say the least. Sometimes he's your friend and cares about you. Other times he wants to shove your head in a food processor. Or something like that you're not really sure. Eridan is a weird guy. Your relationship with him is like Sollux's, except more towards the hate side. Now Sollux and Eridan's relationship to each other is like a fucking trench war. We don't talk about them.

Sollux's dad is Japanese and his mother is Canadian, so you know what he is. He is roughly 6 foot 5, 130 pounds, wears these stupid 3D glasses, has short blonde hair, and a very deep voice. He normally wears t-shirts with some stupid video game reference or another and just normal jeans. He likes Electronica, so that's pretty cool, you guess.

Eridan is a hipster, so 'woohoo' right the bat. He is 5 foot 8, 180 pounds, British, sings Tenor, upper class, and wears those thick rimmed glasses (and wow, he actually uses them to see, not to look like a douchebag). His hair is brown and gelled up, with a blonde streak right in the middle. He normally wears this stupid blue and purple scarf over a black long-sleeved shirt with some indie band you didn't even know existed or something, purple and blue striped trackpants, and purple and blue shoes. You don't know what this kid's deal is with purple and blue. It's almost like a fetish for him.


The two of them start bickering (as normal). You just ignore it and log on to your computer.


"Jethuth, i'm happy that'th over." Sollux says as you and him exit the classroom.

"Yeah, i got nothing out of that." You reply, reflecting on the lesson.

"Fuck, i couldn't even underthtand what wath going on and THAT'TH an accomplithment. What'th next for you?"

"I have lunch now, actually."

"Cool. thee you later." He waves and walks the opposite direction.

And now you're alone.

Surrounded by people.

Oh christ there's SO MANY PEOPLE.

You start freaking out and get to the cafeteria as fast as you can drag your fat ass along.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2015 ⏰

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