Chapter 5: chaos

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As we drove off the safe house which was only three minutes away. I parked my bike and Alycia just stormed off into the house.

As I got inside. She was already in Riley's arms. I forgot Riley is part of this all because of her father is a cop that works with my dad. "Y/n your dad is worried and he wants you in the boss room." My cousin Selena says. I sighed and headed towards that direction.

"Y/n now that you are here you are saying the speech today. You know what to say let's go now."

My dad and I walked out of the main office and and into the room for meetings. I cleared my throat to get everyone's attention. Alycia looked at me soo confused. I stood up tall. "As you know they have broken into my fathers home. They tried to take my friend Alycia, but in exchange I offered myself, but he couldn't with my strength. These traffickers are not happy we don't want to be in they're business. They are here to play dirty. Our job is to make sure they pay for every kid, teen, and women they have hurt. We've finally have them in our hands. We negotiate with them. And bring them down by all means if it means saving those innocent people. We risk our lives for others we may be cartels and killers but not traffickers. You've all killed people before. Let's take these bitches down!" I say with no emotion and loud. And left the room.

"Great speech." Several cousins say. I knew alycia was listening. I gulped at what my three cousins said. "I am glad you got back in this business. Your a big inspiration." They say smiling and left. I nodded to Alycia who just ignored me. I sighed and bumped into Selena. "Hey y/n everything ok?" She says and I nodded my head "no." And walked with her else where. "Is it Alycia? I saw that she was close to Riley are they dating?" Selena says. "I have no idea. One minute she says she doesn't know kisses me not once but twice. She made out with me twice basically. And then proceeds to tell me she likes Riley." I say tearing up. "Hey, hey. I don't know what she sees in that asshole but she's gonna realise her true cold heart. Alycia is blind in not seeing how pure you are." Selena says wiping my tears before they fell.

"Look I have to go. Business is calling alright. You okay on your own." She says looking at me concerned. I just nodded and she walked away.

I was walking down the hall and I heard screams they were from Alycia. Riley's voice was heard to.

"Alycia, what were you doing at y/n's house last night. Answer me?" Riley said angry.

"I-I. Stop Riley your hurting me." Her innocent voice said.

"You are mine and only mine got it." Riley speaks as I peaked through. I was mad.

"Riley stop, I am not ready for this it's too soon. Please." Alycia whines.

"I am showing you that you are mine by claiming you." Riley says smacking her to the wall.

My blood was boiling at this point. She was hurting her and touching her when she didn't want it. I slammed open one of the rooms the one they were in.

"Let her go Riley now!" I yelled. "This doesn't concern you y/n" leave." She yells back and starts kissing Alycia's neck. She was forcing her into sex. "Riley get off her." I say pushing her making her fall to the ground. "You rape her and I kill you understood!" I yelled soo loud.

Riley punched my face. And I punched her back. "Please you two stop this now." Alycia held me back from knocking out Riley. But Riley pushed Alycia away from her grip on me knocking her down to the floor. Riley freaked out and left.

I went down to Alycia her head was gashed and blood starting dripping. She was in tears. "Hey, Alycia it's ok. Your safe now." I say hugging her tightly. "Thank you y/n Riley s-she wouldn't stop." I hugged her tighter. "Shhh Alycia it's ok. It's over it's over."

I helped her up and took her to the bathroom to clean up her gash. "I'm sorry your involved in this. None of this would've happened if you weren't involved in my life." I say sad. She looked into my eyes. "You know I care about you y/n you are amazing you have a heart. Just because you are the daughter of a dangerous man doesn't mean you don't deserve a friend that cares about you." She says placing her hand on my cheek. I smiled as I looked into her green eyes.

"I know you don't like me and I understand you like the bastard of Riley although I don't know what you see in her. But I like you Alycia and every time I look into your eyes those green eyes I get lost. Your eyes are soo beautiful." I say getting lost in them. "Thank you. I am sorry that I kissed you and ignored you. It's just you flirt too much and it flatters me a lot. Plus it's like you dress stunning and cute to catch my attention." She says shyly. I laughed. "And what if I do?" I say smirking. "You see what I mean." We both started laughing.

It was silent for a couple seconds. I broke the silence. "You've known Riley for at least a year and I know you that I came into your life a month ago. But I mean what I said I like you. And I understand that you don't. But I honestly wish you actually liked me instead of Riley." I say looking to the floor.

"Come here." She says jumping on top of the sink. I followed her and got close to her. "If you like me like you say you do then show me, prove it to me." She smirks. "Alycia, I am n-not never mind." I say. She lifted up my chin. "You thought about it didn't you. You are soo kinky ." She smirks. "I meant kiss me, kiss me and show me. It's too soon for that. It's already a turn off you know I don't like to rush things. But I will allow you to kiss me and prove to me that you like me I wanna know how you feel." She says wrapping her legs on my waist and her arms on my neck.

I gulped at how close we were I looked into her eyes and then her lips. She licked them on purpose to make me tempted. I leaned in slowly. Alycia rolled her eyes and pulled my neck smashing my lips to her lips. I was shocked at her move my eyes went wide. But I then closed my eyes and kissed her back. Our lips moving in sync. I felt the butterflies and the adrenaline rush in my body. It was stronger and stronger as we made out. I pulled her closer to me. And slowly let go of her bottom lip biting it softly. She let out a low moan. As I let it go I smirked. She was blushing soo hard her cheeks were super red on her fair skin. "That was cute." I said. She slapped my arm. And got down heading for the door. I grabbed her hand and stopped her pulled the taller girl so her ear was close to my lips. "It was actually hot." I said slightly biting her the tip of her ear. Causing her to squeal. I only smiled as we left the bathroom.

She was on the bed with me. "So are you in the business and did you actually kill someone." She says out of no where. "I-umm no, I haven't killed anyone. I could never bring myself to." I say looking at the ground. "Sorry we can talk about something else." I smiled and kissed her cheek "I'd like that."

"How old are you. We've been friends for a month and I don't even know your age I know Riley is 27 like your brother." I sighed. "22 is how old I am." I say looking alway. "Whaaa, your 22." She says nervously. "Yeh why ?" She moves away from my chest. "I am 30 y/n you are very young. Your practically 8 years younger." She says. Shocked. "Stop please don't hate me. You look 25 and to correct you I'm 23 in two weeks." I tried to grab her hand but she moves it away before i could grab it. "Still I don't know if I can do this." She says.

"Alycia please, age is nothing but a number. I like you. And I know you like me too. Do I have to remind you about what happened in the bathroom." She nodded her head side to side. "No." And it was completely silent.

"Let me think about it ok. You are amazing y/n really I-I" I stopped her and kissed her. She kissed me back passionately.

I stopped kissing her and started to change.

"Hey I am still in the room why are you changing in front of m-m...

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