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Seungcheol POV:

We all entered the house with luggage.
"How have you been? It's been so long since I saw you guys.." Grandma greeted us. "Where is Jeonghan..? I wanted to see him" Apparently Grandma likes Jeonghan out of us all. Of course after Mingyu.

"Jeonghan went to their hometown Granny" Mingyu informed her. She had a bit of a disappointed look on her face. "wait. Who is this young lady here? This is my first time seeing her". She finally noticed this new girl in front of her. "She is-" Mingyu got cut off by his grandma.

"Mingyu!! Is she your girlfriend? Wahh!! She is pretty!!" Grandma went to y/n to look at her closely. I got a bit jealous at the moment but don't ask me why. Sometimes it just happens.

"Thank you, Grandma. But I'm not Mingyu's girlfriend. I'm his girlfriend" Y/n said pointing at me. I let out a small chuckle and nodded. Grandma nodded understanding.

"You three... Learn from your leader and get yourself girlfriends and get married" Grandma said to those with straight facial expressions. "Dating in this industry isn't that easy granny.." The8 mumbled before heading into the living room. We all followed him to the living room.


Y/n POV:

Granny gave us a list to buy groceries. At least two people are needed for that. I want to check the convenience store here so I agreed to go. The other four depended on Rock paper scissors. Seungcheol tells them that he is the one who should go cause his 'girlfriend' is going.

"Nah. Rock paper scissors will decide" The8 says. And they play for 2-3 mins. Sadly Seungcheol lost in the first round. Jun and I are assigned to grocery shopping.

We spent nearly 1.5 hours shopping. Mingyu and Granny started cooking. We checked the garden in the meantime. It looked so beautiful. Other members already saw it many times but it is my first time. Seungcheol told me about the stories behind growing them. We spent some time in the garden.

After the food was ready, we all ate together telling Granny about seventeen's popularity these days. We then took a rest for some time before heading to the nearby sea.


"Wahh!! The sea looks pretty" I said looking at it with my eyes wide open. "You look prettier" Seungcheol said with a smirk on his face. I hit him playfully. The other three are cringing so badly. I get it. He is cringe sometimes but it is cute.

"What's wrong with it? I saw it in many Kdramas. The male lead always tells this same dialogue to the female lead". Seungcheol asks them. "That's a kdrama. Doing it in reality doesn't work". Jun says holding in his laughter. Seungcheol started pouting.

"Who told you it doesn't work? It works for me. I even got butterflies" I said defending my man. They all sighed in unison heading towards the sea. "Let's go!!" Seungcheol said grabbing my hand and running towards the sea.

The three started fishing while I and Seungcheol went on a walk. The sea shells lying on the sand caught my attention. I excitedly went to check on them.

 I excitedly went to check on them

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