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It's been a week and Hae Young is still ignoring me. I tried to sit with her many times during lunch and break time. But she is not ready to listen to my side. I didn't give up and tried again and again only to get ignored. She didn't even speak a  single word from that day. She is all alone even when others try to approach her.


I'm coming out of my room and checking my phone in the hallway. "Looks like she lost her only friend". Eunji and her group are coming towards me, again to get on my nerves. "I can't believe how she managed to stay with her for like a month". They started laughing. I tried to ignore it and leave.

"How are seventeen still with you?". A girl asked me blocking my way. "Please can you move? I need to go". I said trying to push her slightly to make my way. "Where do you think you are going?". Eunji grabbed my hand. And I'm wincing in pain. "Just tell me the secret? Why are seventeen close with only you? How are you so special?". She asked making me turn towards her face to face.

I didn't say anything. I don't want to be involved with her. "Can you leave my hand... It hurts". I said trying to free my hand. She is now holding it even more tightly. "Who knows what you are offering them to make them stay with you?". She said smiling slyly.

"It's 13 members. Wouldn't it be hard?". A girl said making a concerned face which annoyed me. "Will-" I got cut off by this man walking down the hallway. "Is it your job to talk shit about people?". Seungcheol asked glaring at her and freeing my hands from her.

"Make a note that you are degrading all 14 people's characters. It will be hard for you when other members find out what you are talking about. Be glad that I'm the one who heard all this. If it is Woozi, you would lose your job right at the moment". He said looking straight into her eyes. She looked kinda scared.

"And don't think that I'm not capable of firing you. I'm just being generous so be thankful. And never do this to her AGAIN". He stressed the last word and took me out of the hallway. We are now in the parking lot. He looked annoyed.

"Thanks for earlier". I said in a low voice. "Why didn't you say anything when they are talking shit about you?". He asked being very angry. It was the first time he looked at me this way. "Can't you protect yourself? Do you think I'll always be by your side to protect you?". He asked with hands both on my shoulders making me face him. "I didn't ask you to protect me". I said looking down in a low voice.

"What if I didn't come? You will just listen to their shit not uttering a single word". He said jerking me to make me look into his eyes. "I'm leaving anyway. I wouldn't be listening to them". I mumbled. "Leaving isn't an option Y/n. Why didn't you understand? If you don't say anything, they will do this to you again. Can't you stand up for yourself?". He said. I can't take this anymore.

"Stop reminding me that I'm weak". I raised my voice taking his hands away from me. "I'm not telling you are weak Y/n.." He tried to say something. "DIDN'T YOU JUST SAY I CANT PROTECT MYSELF??" I shouted at him not being in the mood to get lectured.

"BUT IT'S TRUE!!!". He too raised his voice.

"Almost everyone in the company knows that Eunji hates you and always talks behind your back".

"Why should I care about her?"

"You should at least care when she talks shit to your face"

"What do you want me to do then? Slap her?"

Seungcheol looks tired trying to make me understand.

"I'm telling you this for your sake y/n. Don't let others degrade you and your character". He said in a soft voice trying to look at me. "Shut up Seungcheol". I said annoyed.

"What did you say?". He thought maybe he misheard. "I SAID SHUT THE FUCK UP AND LEAVE ME ALONE!!" I again said in a loud voice almost screaming. He saw bruises on my wrist and tried to look at it. I forced myself away from his touch.

"I already have a lot on my mind. I don't want you to add more. Just leave before I say anything I'll regret" I said walking away. "You will regret it anyway". He whispered enough for me to hear.


I went to my house after that argument with Seungcheol. I slept for an hour and just woke up. I didn't know why I acted so sensitive earlier. I just got my period. Everything makes sense now.

Now that I think about it, it's my fault. Not entirely but mostly. I shouldn't be that over-sensitive. I should go apologise to him as soon as possible. He must be sulking now.

I'm about to enter the company and I saw the chain I made for him near the trash bin. It's right next to it. I went to check if it was the same chain and I'm right. It is. I don't know why it was here. Didn't he say he will keep it in a safe place? Is this the 'Safe place' he talked about?

I don't even know if I should ask him about this at this moment or ask him later when things got better between us. I'm half sad and half angry. I tried calling him. 4 missed calls. I started going inside the company looking for him. I opened the door of a room where members usually are at.

And saw something which I wish I didn't. Hae Young is hugging Seungcheol mumbling 'I love you'. His phone is on the sofa. I quickly rushed to my room before they notice me. I locked myself in my empty office room. The tears I've been holding since I entered the building are flowing down my cheeks.

I couldn't understand what was happening. Does Hae Young have feelings for him? When did that happen? And why did Seungcheol throw the chain I made, ignore my calls, and hug 'her'? Many emotions are flowing in me. And I started crying. This was the first time in a while I cried like this. My tears are flowing as I couldn't understand anything going on.


Seungcheol's POV:

"CEO is calling for you". A guy came to me informing me when I was in the practice room alone. "I'll be there". I said and made my way to the CEO's room.

"Seungcheol, look at these". He threw a few photos on the table looking frustrated. Photos of me and Y/n together hugging each other. "Who took all these photos?". I asked shocked looking through all the photos.

"Someone from our company anonymously sent these to me. Can't you be more careful? They threatened to leak them to the media". He is losing his mind. "If the public finds out... You know how they will react. Now that you are at your peak popularity I don't want your fans to find out about this". He said being anxious.

"I'll find out who it was first. And talk to them". I said taking all the photos with me. "Fine. Do whatever you want. Just don't let the public know about this". He sighed and left the room slamming the door.

We all know who that could be. "KIM EUNJI" I crumpled the photos in my hands heading to find her.


Author's NOTE:

Do you all think it's Eunji?

Votes are appreciated and commenting makes you blessed😉

Have a great day/night🫶

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