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Joshua's POV:

I'm on my way to the pub which I own. Only seventeen members know that it's my pub. We always go there to get refreshed. I asked Seokmin to come but he straight up refused me and now I'm all alone.

I'm inside the pub, ordering drinks. There are too many people today. It's the weekend so it's understandable. Everyone needs alcohol to cheer up. I'm looking around while waiting for my order and vibing to the loud music.

A girl caught my attention. She is all alone drinking in a corner. She looks kinda familiar. Oh shit- It's Y/n. What is she doing here? She rarely drinks alcohol as far as I know. Is it her? I rechecked and it is her. I took my drink and was about to move towards her table.

A man -in his early thirties- approached her. She seems to be so drunk. She isn't even noticing her surroundings. And the guy is taking advantage of her situation and tried to touch her inappropriately. I reached there in time and pulled her away.

"She is with me. Sorry". I told him while I was trying to look at her face. "SHUA!!". She threw herself at me. This is my first time seeing her drunk. What happened to her? Why is she suddenly drinking all alone? Did-

My thoughts are interrupted by this same guy who tried to pull her towards him. "Excuse me! What are you doing??" I asked him while grabbing y/n's arms. "Don't act like you know her. I know you have the same intentions as me. So just away". He said pulling y/n from my grip.

"What-" I stopped mid-sentence by the loud noise of glass breaking into small pieces. It's y/n. The music stops and everyone's attention is on us. "Stop talking nonsense". She spat grabbing his collar. He pushed her away in anger and she stumbles.

"How dare you-" y/n splashed alcohol on his face before he could complete his sentence. Everyone gasps and the guy looked even more furious. "Y/n, let's go" I tried to convince her but she is being stubborn. He tried to slap her across the face. But the Bouncers came at the right time and stopped him.

I took the chance and dragged her out of the pub. "Y/n!! Pull yourself together". I said telling her to stand straight. "Shua-ya". She started hugging me. She must be out of her mind. She will not remember anything after she wakes up in the morning.

"Let's get going. I'll drop you in your house". I said helping her balance. She refused and pushed me away. "Seungcheol is..." She started crying. "Did something happen between you two?". I asked lifting her face to wipe her tears. "I want to trust him..." She again started to cry holding onto my shirt.

"I didn't know what happened but he truly loves you. Things will get better". I tried to console her. We went inside the car. She is still sniffling. 'So maybe this is the reason she was drinking earlier. Maybe they had a fight or something. Hopefully, they will clear it.

I helped her into her house and tucked her in bed before leaving. She will have a bad hangover tomorrow morning. I'll come early to make her hangover soup before she wakes up. I have to come anyways Cause I locked it from outside and the keys are with me.


<Next day morning>

Seungcheol's POV:

"Are you telling me this is real?". I asked refusing to believe what I saw. It's pictures of Y/n and Shua. The location looks like his Pub. They are hugging each other. And his hands are lifting her face. Their faces are too close to each other.

My hands are shivering and I'm shaking my hand in denial. "This can't be..." There is no way it's true. "Go Check her house if you don't believe these photos". He won't be in her house, right? I'll just go check.

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