*ring ring* it's a unknown number and bowser-chan(bc) is scared to answer..she thinks to herself "I ain't no little bitch" so she decided to answer the call. "H-hello?"-bc "hello this is someone you may not know but you better back the fuck off my kawaii rough man he's mine and only mine and if you talk to him YOU WILL DIE!!" And the unknown hangs up... "that's weird I wonder who would even say that" but either way bowser goes and calls Shrek 😍 slowly and slowly Shrek is falling in love with bowser and decides to send bowser a juicy picture of his muscular dick
"You like that mamas?" Said Shrek-kun and bowser blushed and said "omg when do I get that in me??" Moments later their being really flirty and he says "I'll be there in a bit mami" she gets nervous and puts on her best outfit
"He'd love this bowser pussy" 5 minutes later he arrives and immediately takes her upstairs to do the mommy and daddy dance to make babies.. "S-shrek-k-kun this is my first time.." he took off her underwear and started pounding on that bowser pussy. "mmm~ s-s-Shrek g-go harder NYAH~~" "you like that dick in you huh you little slut" Shrek starts pounding harder and harder until she squirts on his hairy masculine dick. "D-daddy that felt so good"-bc "I know baby ur in good hands"
After that shrek and bowser were just making out while he slowly fingered her. "S-shrek n-no more im so tired " "I can't help it baby ur pussy js feels so good I can't help myself" 10 minutes later. Shrek gets dressed up and kisses her good bye while she's asleep. Shrek gets in his car and drives thru state street just to go to pizza hot near the auto zone and jiffy lube. *ring ring* shrek-kun checks his phone. There's no caller ID just an unknown number, Shrek decides to answer the call "hello?"....
Shrek x bowser
Romance(Please know this is a joke and I'm just doing thiSbecause I'm bored if u have any ideas please tell me.) also my girlfriend drew the bowser photo with him wearing a bikini