31. Feelings

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Readers! Many of you told me that the last chapter ending was kinda like an anime but actually I got this as a suggestion from @dulquershivani She texted me the naration of that scene for about 30 lines and i really liked it. Maybe she would've watched the anime. Now I'm really curious to find out that scene in the anime! :)

Did he do that to make me understand?

I stood up and walked up the slope without telling him. I was really shocked beyond words.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"I'm leaving this place..." I said and he just stared at me. When I was about to take my next step, I felt a stinging pain in my back. The pain felt so cruel and I sat down again.

I sat there simply staring at the stars and so did he. Suddenly our thoughts were interrupted by a barking sound. It wasn't a bark but more like a squeal from a pup.

I turned my head to find the same dog which was following Kai the other day, came running all the way to Kai. It went to Kai swagging it's tail and it's tongue sticking out. But he least cared.

"You don't have to be that mean to a dog! At least show some affection! It came all the way running kilometers but you never bothered to even pat it's head!" I shouted.

"What do you want me to do?"

"Show some affection and love" I shouted.

"Love will only bring pain later...." he said looking up at the sky. I became silent for a minute cause hundreds of thoughts were running in my head. He really has a past which is not a happy one. He is mean to all the people out there and gets angry for the silliest of things. He's badly in need of love.

The puppy sat on Kai's lap, wagging it's tail happily. He stared at the dog's action for sometime. A genuine yet brief smile appeared on his face while he placed his hands on the pup.

"See, if you show affection towards something, it will automatically makes you happy" I said and all I could think about was Taemin. I smiled at the thought of him.

"You look really different when you smile.." I added.

"Like what?"

"I don't know... it's really contagious. Like when you smile, the other person who sees you smiling also automatically smiles. You know Minho has that smile too... but your smile... I like it more. Smile more often.." I said seeing the stars and suddenly I remembered something.

"By the way, may I know the reason behind your smile today morning?" I asked with my eyes fixed on him.

"......" As expected!

The stars shone brightly in the night as the calm and serene breeze gently blew. This place really is very beautiful. The meadow is soft and so are the chirping sounds of the birds. The place is like a magic. This was exactly the same weather during my prom with Taemin. I looked at his rosary bracelet which he gave to me.

His affection, his warmth, his smile, his words, his voice, his touch, his eyes, his smirks, his kisses and of course his pervertness.. everything flashed like a movie in front of my eyes. I smiled unconsciously and a tear drop escaped my eyes. I wiped it away.. Not a single night passed away without crying since his departure.

"They left me alone.....in this scary world...." my thoughts were disturbed when Kai suddenly spoke up.


"The people whom I loved the most......my mom...and my little sister too..." he said in a low tone. I couldn't see his face because he was sitting few steps ahead of me with his back facing me.

SHINee/EXO - My Perfect Bad Boy (Lee Taemin /Exo Kai Fanfiction) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now