Chapter 8

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Three days later

The girls were all over at Jenna's house, putting together the setlist for the concert that night. "I definitely know we'll finish with 'Carpe Diem'. We have to." Olivia said.

"How about each of us pick a few songs we like and try to learn them as fast as we can." Jenna said.

Sam got a piece of paper from Jenna's desk. "What should we open with?" Sam asked.

"Definitely 'I Wanna Be Your Slave'. I've been working on it for the past week." Jenna said. "And it has a good bass part. If we did 'Zitti e Buoni', Avery would get a bass solo."

"Let's do 'Zitti e Buoni'."

They wrote down the two songs. "Then we'll add some Taylor in there..."

"'Never Grow Up'. It's my favorite." Sam said.

Within 15 minutes, they had the setlist written. Jenna googled the sheet music and got it printed. "We have time until 3, which is when the second semi-final is." Avery said, taking her bass guitar out of its case.

"Do you know when they're on?" Sam asked.

"They're number 10 in the running order, so I'm guessing about an hour in."

"Cool. How about y'all get your things and be back here by 2:30. Sam, you can bring your drum pad."

Thirty minutes later, they ran through all the songs and watched the second semi-final. "The order is: Denmark, Armenia, Romania, Estonia, Belgium, Cyprus, Iceland, Poland, Slovenia, Georgia, San Marino, Austria, Albania, Lithuania and Australia." Olivia said as she pulled up BBC on the TV in her room.

Olivia then texted the tour group chat.

Break a leg! We'll be watching!

Thank you so much. Good luck tonight for you!

Thanks, Jan. See you Monday!

"Can we vote?" Sam asked.

"I think so, as a 'rest of the world' thing because the US doesn't participate." Olivia said, holding her Slovenian flag in her lap that she has hanging on the wall in her room.

It was 4:30, and Slovenia's postcard was on the screen. "THEY'RE ABOUT TO GO ON! GET AROUND THE TV!" Olivia screamed, trying to signal the rest to come to the TV.

Sam, Jenna and Avery got on the beanbag chairs around the TV. Then the screen shifted to the intro screen, with the flag colors, the country, the artist and the song credits. Then the screen changed again, shifting to Bojan, and he began to sing.

Mi bomo celo noč plesali,
Ljubili se in se igrali,
Kot da nas jutri več ne bo.

Vedno manj besed, tanek led pod nogami žge,
mi pa bežimo s prepiha.
810.000 let moraš delat' le,
da duša malo zadiha.

(An ban, pet podgan.)
Ti loviš, če preživiš.
(Jaz ti bom vzel vse,)
ti ničesar ne dobiš.
(Ah ah ah)
Si tega res želiš?

Igra sovraštva je za vas,
hvala lepa, ne računajte na nas.
Na nas.

Mi bomo celo noč plesali, (ah ah)
Ljubili se in se igrali, (ah ah)
Kot da nas jutri več ne bo. (Kot da nas jutri več ne bo)
Ne bomo šteli ur do zore, (ah ah)
Preskakovali bomo gore, (ah ah)
Da nas objame nebo.

Prvi dež odplaknil ves bo blišč,
da ne bi kradel magije s plesišč,
Tema bo prižgala žar v očeh.

Igra sovraštva je za vas,
hvala lepa, ne računajte na nas.
Še bolj na glas.

Mi bomo celo noč plesali, (ah ah)
Ljubili se in se igrali, (ah ah)
Kot da nas jutri več ne bo. (Kot da nas jutri več ne bo)
Ne bomo šteli ur do zore, (Kot da nas jutri več ne bo)
Preskakovali bomo gore, (Kot da nas jutri več ne bo)
Sprejeli, da smo večni samo
in srečni samo,
ko objema nas nebo.

Vso noč do jutra smo plesali.
Ljubili se in se igrali.
Živeli, kot da jutri nas mogoče več ne bo.


"I really don't like how they did Bojan's hair though." Olivia admitted.

"Girls! You have to get ready! You have dinner and soundcheck soon!" Jenna's mom called.

Jenna then texted the tour group chat.

You did so good!

Thank you!

We won't be able to see the results because we have a soundcheck and dinner before the show.

It's fine. We'll let you know.

The girls got changed, did their hair, got their instruments and headed to the Grand Ole Opry. "Who is coming?" Sam asked.

"The whole city of Nashville, that girl who helped us at American Eagle, some kids from school, and our families." Avery said, reading the list off of her phone.

"I'm so nervous." Jenna said, picking at her nails.

"I am too. We're the youngest people to play the Grand Ole Opry." Sam added.

"And apparently the press is gonna be there." Mrs. Cooper added.

Jenna looked like she had seen a ghost. "Oh crud."

They had just sat down at Rainforest Cafe when Olivia got a text.

They're announcing the qualifiers now.

Olivia pulled up the livestream on YouTube. "Anything about Slovenia yet?" Sam asked.

"Not yet." Olivia said.

"Do they announce them in the running order?" Sam asked, not knowing a clue about Eurovision.

"It's in a random order. I honestly don't like that."

Five minutes had passed, and they got to the last one. "The last act through to the grand" The host said.

The girls all held their breaths. "Please be Slovenia. Please be Slovenia." Olivia prayed.



"OH MY GOSH!" Jenna squealed.

"Slovenia finally qualified for it! For the first time in four years they qualified!!!"

Then Olivia texted the tour chat.


Then their dinner arrived. "I cannot believe they made it to the final!" Olivia said as she dug into her burger.

"This is the coolest day ever! First, we play the Opry, then Joker Out qualifies for the final, I don't know what will beat today."

"Probably meeting them on Monday."

"Girls, you can talk more once the soundcheck is done. We need to be there in half an hour."

After they ate, they drove to the Opry. "Ready to do this?" Sam asked.

"Let's do this!"

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