Chapter 35

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Jenna and Bojan just came back from their little break together. "Jen, are you okay?" I asked, noticing how her eyes were tear-streaked.

Jenna's head was on Bojan's shoulder, and I could tell she was shaking. "I just got really scared. That's all. You know what happens when I get really nervous." She explained nervously.

I walked over to Jure. "I'm a little nervous. What if I mess up the beat? That's what the drummer is supposed to do!"

Jure put his hand on my shoulder. "You got this, Sam. I've seen you drum your heart out." He said. "You've got some raw talent, and I see that when you put your heart into this."

I looked at his blonde hair. "Thanks, Jurček."

"Of course."

I grabbed my drumsticks, put in my in-ears and Jenna, Avery, Olivia and I did a little group hug. "Okay, we made it!" Olivia said excitedly. "First international crowd!"

"First international concert!" Avery said.

"Surrounded by our role models!" I said.

"And our first tour ever."

We all put our hands in. "On the count of three." Jenna said.

"J.A.O.S!" We all chanted.

Then Kris pulled us all over. "Pep talk time!" Jure explained.

"Uh...does it go with the SSF thing you five do?" Olivia asked.

"Yep. How this works is that we put our hands in, and we say 'SSF'. On three." Kris explained.

"One, two..."

"OH SSF!" All nine of us chanted.

I fiddled with my drumsticks. And then my phone rang. It was Maja! "Hi Maja," I said.

"Hey, Sam. I just wanted to call and say good luck tonight! I hope my brothers aren't driving you crazy! Anyways, wanna get together once you get back?"

I looked at Maja through the phone screen and blushed a little bit. Was I in love with Kris's little sister? "Uh...sure!" I replied.

"How about Monday? I know where Kris's apartment is, because I've been there a lot. " Maja said.

"Alright! See you then!"

Maja and I hung up. I started to freak out inside. What if Kris found out? He knew that Maja and I instantly clicked when we met on Tuesday. "Hey Kris? Maja just called me and asked if we could get together on Monday after we're back."

"I know you two clicked. I'm so glad you two are becoming closer." He said, ruffling my hair.

My drumsticks were getting sweaty the lancer I was holding them in my hands. I needed to call Michelle. "Shelly, pick up, pick up, pick up!"

Michelle thankfully picked up. "Hi Sammie...are you okay?"

"I'm really nervous. I'm in Umag right now trying to calm myself down because Kris's younger sister just asked if we could get together when I get back from this gig and I'm seeing her on Monday."

"Is Kris fine with that?"

"I think he is. He says he's happy how Maja-his sister- and I clicked when we met a few days ago."

"You never told me about when you went to Kris's family's house for dinner! How was it?"

"It was nice. Kris's parents are both very sweet, his siblings are cool. Did you know that Maks is a part of the Joker Out team?"


"I don't know where he is right now though. I called you because I need all the luck I can get. We're going on soon."

"Remember the Opry, Sammie. If you get scared, imagine me in the audience. I know you can do this, Sammie. You ran through the drums earlier this week?"

"I did, yes. With Jure. I guess I have to channel his talent. But he told me I have talent and I shouldn't be afraid to show it."

"You do have talent. Mom, Dad and I are cheering you on from Nashville, Sammie! You're going to do great! Break a leg!"

"Thanks, Shelly. I owe you."

I hung up and grabbed my sticks. We still had ten minutes until we go on, so I pulled out my earbuds and listened to our cover of 'Carpe Diem'. It's kind of a bummer we won't be performing it live here. But I'm glad we got to perform it back in Nashville before we came to Ljubljana. "Okay, it's showtime!" I heard Mark, our creative director said.

Let's do this thing.

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