-Chapter 6-

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Zander's POV

I know I promised Hailey I wouldn't tell anyone but I really wanted to tell Luke. Hailey and I have known him for as long as I can remember. Plus I'm dating him. It's hard to hide things from your boyfriend. Especially if it's about my sister. And maybe if there's more people in on Hailey and Daisy's plan, my sister and Jake will then realized their feelings for each other.. I ended up risking it and telling everything to Luke.

"Wow.. I'm not that surprised that Hailey likes him. It was pretty obvious to say the least, but what intrigues me is how she wanted Daisy to help her even though she's kinda.. Jealous of her?" Luke said.

"Well, she didn't say why Daisy asked her and all that but my guess is that they spoke after school when Hailey told us to go ahead and go without her." I replied.

"Hmm.. I think your right. I can see what I can do to help if there is anything!" Luke inquired.

"For now, I think we just need to wait and see how the first couple days go." I said.

"Mhm. Well I gotta go get ready for tomorrow. I'll see you soon, sweetheart!" And then Luke hung up.

I blushed a little when he called me 'sweetheart', even though he's called me it a thousand times. Luke is amazing at keeping secrets and in my opinion telling him was the right choice.


Hailey's POV

Wednesday. The thought about part one of Daisy's plan sent butterflies flying into my stomach. But, I was able to make it through the school day and dinner with my family. And now it was time for 'practice'. Everyone started coming in one by one and soon enough we were waiting on.. Jake. No surprise there. Then, after about five minutes I heard a knock on the door.

"Took you long enough. Get in here." I said.

"Hello to you to, Hailey!" Jake replied.

The club and I decided to get right to work so incase we finish early my plan can spring into action. After around forty-five minutes of straight rehearsals I could tell we could all use a break.

"Here, I can get you some water!" I offered Jake.

"That would be great thanks Hailey!" He responded.

I went into the kitchen to grab water and maybe some snacks but as I walked in I saw Zander smirking at me.

"What now?" I asked.

"You know what. I was gonna have Luke, Sean, and Milly go to the living room anyways. I want to sorta help you out here Hailey." Zander answered.

I was a little surprised. When Jake first joined the club Zander hated his guts. And especially during the whole recording dilemma when I couldn't even message Jake. Now that the competitions over and Jake's back in the club, I've noticed how open Zander is to Jake now. It was so nice not having to see my bandmates argue.

"Wow Zander.. Thank you!" I exclaimed. With Zander distacting the other bandmates I went to go talk to Jake.

Jake's POV

Hailey finally came back. I could hear her talking to Zander about something but I couldn't quite tell what they were saying sadly. But that doesn't matter.

"Hey Jake?" Hailey said.


"Do you mind.. If you could help tidy up the music room with me?" Hailey asked.

"Sure!" I responded.

We began cleaning and there was a little bit of an awkward silence so I decided to break it.

"Soooo, How'd everything go you think?" I asked the teal-haired girl.

"I'd say pretty good! Aside from a few minor mistakes and maybe if I adjusted the sound on this part a little bit and..."

Hailey, Hailey, Hailey. Always a perfectionist. I'm not saying its a bad thing I just wished she didn't think this way.

"Sigh. Hailey, you need to stop talking down on yourself. You always work so hard and you rarely take breaks." I told her.

"Well, I like it when everything goes smoothly and in order. And for your information Jake, I do take breaks, mostly on the weekends." She replied.

She sounded pretty annoyed. I felt kinda bad. Maybe there was something I could do to make it up to her. We could always hang out this weekend. I decided to ask her.

"Hey what if we hung out this weekend. We don't really have to do anything school or music related, just hang out somewhere I guess." I proposed.

Hailey's POV

Did he just.. Ask me out technically? No, don't get your hopes up Hailey. The time will hopefully come. But aside from that he asked me to hang out this weekend! This is something I'll definitely be telling Daisy.

"Y-yeah sure! Maybe we could head to the park or something!" I said.

"Sounds good! I can't wait!" Jake told me.

"Alright, well I'm gonna head back and join the others, I think the music room is clean enough." I exclaimed.

"Ok sounds good! Oh, and.. Hailey?" Jake started to say.

"Yeah?" I answered.

"I..I c-can't wait to see you this weekend!" Jake replied.

"Hm? Oh, you too!" I told the peach-haired boy.

I left the room.

Jake's POV

Woah. Was I.. stuttering?

Hi, Sakura here! I hope you all enjoyed the next chapter. I'm trying to get new chapters out as often as possible so I don't keep you all waiting but school just started for me so apologies if they take longer to write then usual! Again, hope you guys enjoyed and have an amazing day/night ^^

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