-Chapter 8-

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Hailey's POV

I could feel tears forming in my eyes. It wasn't because I was with Jake, but because I was scared and confused on to why someone would lock us in here. I grabbed my phone and texted Daisy

Hailey🫐: Hey this is rlly funny can u pls unlock me and Jake from the music room?

Daisy☁️: Huh? I didn't do anything! You just said that you and Jake were gonna clean together I wasn't gonna disturb you both.

I was shaking at this point. All I could do was drop to the floor and cry. I felt very frightened. I could barely see through the tear but then I felt something. Jake was hugging me.

"Hey Hailey, its gonna be ok. We'll find a way to get out. Once you've calmed down, call Zander and see if he accidentally took the key." Jake said.

"O-ok.." I replied. Jake hugging me made me feel a lot safer. He helped calmed me down and I owe him for that. We hugged for a few more minutes until I was ready to call Zander.


"Zander, you don't happen to have the keys to the music room do you?" I questioned.

"Nope. I don't even know where you keep them, why?" Zander replied.

Jake's POV

Hailey's on the phone with her brother right now and after hearing something I could see more panic settle into her eyes. Being the good friend that I am I pulled Hailey into another hug.

"Huh? Oh-oh yeah! We'll be fine for fifteen minutes! See ya Zander!" Hailey exclaimed into the phone.

"Jake, Zander and Luke will be here is fifteen." Hailey told me.

"Alright that's not too bad is it?" I replied.

"I guess but.. Who took the keys and knew we were gonna be in here? It wasn't Zander or Daisy.." Hailey noted.

"Yeah.. Why would it be Daisy though?" I wondered

"Oh! Uhh no reason alt all!" Hailey answered.

That's when we both began thinking.

"Would it have been Milly or Sean?" I asked Hailey.

"No cause Sean left early and Milly went straight to the garden after school to see Elliot. And besides, neither of them know where I keep the key." Hailey stated.


Then I started tracing my steps. Who was in the halls when I was on the way to the clubroom? There were a few sophomores, that one really annoying teacher, and.. Drew. I can remember his hand being in his hoodie pocket. Was he keeping the key in there. I told my theory to Hailey.

"That's impossible Jake! How on Earth would Drew know where the key is and take it without any of us seeing. But now that you say that, what if your right? Drew will never give us the key back if that's true.." Hailey exclaimed.

"We'll figure it out Princess, don't worry." I told the teal-haired girl.

Hailey's POV

I blushed a little. Jake calling me 'Princess' never gets old. For the rest of the time we were stuck we chatted. There was never a silent moment. It felt good to talk to Jake about some of the things going on in our lives. Finally, we heard the door open.

"Hailey!" Zander yelled. "Are you ok?" He rushed over to me.

"I'm alright, thanks!" I said.

"Did you figure out who took the key?" Luke asked Jake and I.

"No, but we have our suspicions.." Jake replied.

"Well, we should get going." Hailey stated.

"Alright, give me a sec. Jake, lemme talk to you for a sec." Zander said.

Luke and I looked at each other and Luke told his boyfriend him and I will be waiting outside.

Jake's POV

What could Zander want from me? I don't think I hurt Hailey, did I? I'll have to see what he needs.

"So Zander, what's up?" I asked.

"I just wanted to thank you for being there with Hailey, even if it was an accident and I also wanted to say I swear I didn't take the keys." Zander noted.

I was surprised. I thought Zander would find a way to yell at me somehow.

"Hey, no problem even though Hailey was stressed from what I could tell, we helped each other out and then you guys came saved us." I exclaimed.

Zander looked at me and smiled and I smiled back. I'll have to see if Drew took the key tomorrow, because I have a gut feeling he did.

Hailey's POV

I couldn't help but think about Jake hugging me. I felt.. Safe. And comforted. I could feel myself turning red and I tried to think about something non-Jake related. Sigh, what will Daisy have to say about this?

Hi, Sakura here! I just wanted to say how much I've enjoyed writing these past two chapters. It was an idea I've had for awhile tbh. Anyways thank you so so much for all the support with this fanfic it really means a lot to me. If it wasn't for some of the people I've met recently I would've never been here. Can't wait to post the next chapters! Have an amazing day/night ^^

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