Prologue - The Dream

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I should have never moved to Shady Cove.

All of my dreams were a reality in this wretched town. I experienced a love so indulgent it was like a bomb going off, wiping every other reality from existence. Fuck everything else, I had love.

Cue the eye roll from everyone who was not a teenage girl.

Every book, every movie, every fucking song— my whole life I was being told that love was all that mattered. I was invincible. Nothing could touch me when I was in love. But, is it worth it to taste heaven for a moment only to have it yanked away while you spend eternity suffering in hell?

I was inclined to think the answer to that philosophical question was 'no' as I wiped the fresh blood on my hands off on my silk sheets. I picked the dry blood from my last kill out from under my fingernails as I contemplated every decision I ever made.

This can't be hygienic.

So much had changed in such a short time. The old me was dead, long live the walking pit of agony and despair I had become. I adjusted the stupid fucking crown on my head.

Who would have thought that I, Rose Johnson, teenage girl and shit-talker extraordinaire, would be so accomplished at such a young age? I had a host of servants, lived in a motherfucking castle, my kill count was getting up there, and I hadn't even graduated high school yet.

Someone call Forbes so they can interview me for 30 Under 30.

I laughed at my own internal joke, my laughter bouncing off of the stone walls as I stuffed another body under my bed. I ignored the arm of someone else peeking out from the other side.

Someone just fucking kill my macabre ass already.

I should have just stayed in LA and died a normal death. Like falling off of a cliff filming a TikTok or something.

At least I would have gone viral.

At least I would have gone viral

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