Ch 23 - Cave Woman

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I skipped to the arena after my lessons with Frankie. No one had threatened to kill me yet today and Adam let me flirt with him. Things were looking up!

"Hello," Georgia popped out of nowhere with a sweet smile.

"When did you get that?" I gestured to my dress she was currently rocking.

"Last night when you were sleeping." She said nonchalantly.

I pinched the bridge of my nose. "Georgia." I sighed.

"Rose," she mimicked my tone with a look.

"Don't go in my room while I'm sleeping. That's weird."

"I couldn't get in if you didn't want me there," she said dismissively. "And I look fantastic."

"You are literally drop-dead gorgeous no matter what you do," I deadpanned. "You don't need to sneak into my room in the dead of night for a fresh outfit."

"You snore," she said. "And drool. It's disgusting."

"Oh, well you don't have to see it, Georgia," I retorted.

"I wanted to see you. I could sense you were distressed and wondered if you wanted anyone dead." She eyed her perfect nails.

I melted. She really had a soft spot for me.

"You're a real one, Georgia." I laughed. "And yes, you look fantastic in my dress."

"Did your team convince anyone from Red to defect to Blue?" Her voice was light like we were making small talk.

"Yeah, that's above my paygrade apparently." I snickered. She was on the Red team.

"You really don't know?" she deadpanned.

"Why would I help the enemy?" I squinted at her.

"Gold, jewels, fairy fruit. Take your pick."

"Are you trying to bribe me?"

"Yes," she answered. "It's not against the rules."

"I'm good, thanks."

"Do not run from me today, Rose." She stalked in front of me. The skirt of my dress blew in the wind behind her as we entered the stone archway.

She was definitely my weirdest friend so far.

As I entered the gigantic arena, I immediately noticed the row of ornately carved chairs were split in half and facing each other. Everyone on the blue team was laughing and messing around on one side, while the red team looked serious and miserable on the other side.

I skipped up to Adam, Kelly, and Taylor standing in a circle and laughing about something.

"Hey!" I beamed at Adam and barely glanced at Kelly or Taylor.

Adam crossed his huge, fucking fantastic arms when he saw me. He let one arm go and booped my nose with his index finger.

"You ready for another game, Miss Rosie?"

Why was everything he did so amazing? I was attracted to every little thing he did. He just touched my nose and I was ready to explode.

I pointed with a thumb behind me. "Georgia just tried to bribe me into telling her who the spy was."

He and his brothers made sly faces at each other.

"What'd you say?" Adam asked, still smiling.

"I told her I didn't know and wouldn't tell her anyway," I defended.

Adam clicked his tongue. "You should have given her a false lead. Gotten some free swag."

I rolled my eyes, "I could have accidentally led her to the real spy."

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